This is the primary reason I’ve not given agents more power than something extremely controlled (I.e. only a function to turn on/off the lights). As I was always concerned that these generational models might accidentally do something dumb or annoying, let alone something that might be illegal or harmful.
I don’t really see how anyone would ask AI to complete something completely autonomously at this stage, without oversight.
Why Signal is not in f-droid? Is there a statement from them about it? What I know is only in Google store . And talking to much about privacy and not being in a f-droid repo, is ironic
It’s available on F-droid through the Guardian Project repo.
since when? that’s good news to me!
the alternatives seem to be Molly on the main repo and Signal-FOSS on TwinHelix’s
Showed up maybe a month ago?
It will be interesting tracing accountability when AI does something less than legal while trying to implement a legal command.
There are some things it would be nice to have a brain in a jar to do for me.
I do not, however, want that jar sitting in an Amazon-owned server room somewhere, where they can modify the jar to change how the brain works.
Take back your brain-in-a-jars from big tech! /j
I mean shes not wrong, but imagine I use this to do my bullshit day job so I can work on what I really want to. I would totally use this to get some rube to pay me for a job while I GameDev or something. Or at least some excel sheet monkey could probably do that I know these can’t do my job.
Oh my god I haven’t seen Guy in years! He’s such a wonderful guy (heh). I think our last interaction was on Google’s G+. 😳
EDIT: Wow, that was a good panel.
He has a podcast, seems pretty good.
subscribed. thanks!
huh didn’t know she was this good looking. Also, fair points.