I don’t agree with that at all, if you don’t or can’t understand the terms of a contract, you sign at your own peril, expecting the government to step in everytime a person decides to excercise their stupidity is authoritarian and leads to a bloated, innefficient system. This thinking just makes contracts meaningless, it just means you can claim ignorance everytime you sign into a contract you don’t like.
Regulating food is whole different game for a number of reasons, i dont think it’s a reasonable comparison.
Blame the person you are related to. Duh.
A rape victim didn’t sign a contract saying that would happen if they went dont that alley. That’s the difference.
There is no bad guy in this case, just an idiot and a company.
100% … The quicker men and women stop treating individuals like men and women are all that different outside constructed social systems, the happier everyone will be.
New Zealand understands this, you can sign away a companies liability to yourself. For adventure tourism stuff mostly. It’s a good and fair way to do things I think.
Who should be responsible for these people agreeing to a contract and then not wanting to honour the contracts terms?
If personal responsibilty is “a whacked out take” then I’ll take that.
No they should be open to litigation, so this social service can be immediately sued for its entire years budget. It’s not coercive its pragmatic.
Paul Stamets has already found that the primary cause is pesticide and fungicide. Bee’s are able to gain immunities through mycological contact.
No one has any right to complain, this possibility is clearly outlined in the t&c’s every person agreed to.
Shouldn’t have handed out your defining essence to a corporation.
I can’t believe i never tried that. So much time wasted right-clicking and hitting values only.
I have no mouth and I must scream.
No, they are the sticky notes of the file system. And unless I need a docx file, I’m not gonna wait for Microsoft Copolit 365 24/7 Cortana Ambiguously Named Office Word to wake from its eternal slumber.
Let’s not suck off the left too hard, they have some splaining to do for this mess as well.
I used to hate seeing thoughts and prayers crap, but as I’ve grown, I’ve become more tolerant, sometimes you see something and you cant do a thing directly to help and you just wanna put the reality of your feelings out into the universe, it’s a hope thing.
Same reasons people didnt act in germany all those years ago. First apathy and that will transition into fear of reprisal.
It’s nearly all just using a whole library instead of the specific single function thats actually required, because few people are actually writing any code these days.
Lubb me a historic reference.
Whatever you say you fucking dumbass
Nah, can’t have been too important.