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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • Pack 100 of compsognathus (compsognathii?) says hello.

    Not sure how out of date the research is, but in the original Jurassic Park book, there are roaming packs of these things that overwhelm and kill people.

    Though the on screen scene of them killing people happens in the second movie, it actually takes place in the first book IIRC… anyway, they’re basically depicted as land piranhas.

    (Again, IIRC, Jurassic Park the book basically gets set in motion with a family of tourists being eviscerated by a pack of compys… but the first movie dropped this from the story, then when the second movie comes out they basically use this scene as the intro for that, but its on a different island and used to set off an entirely new story?)

  • Jesus fucking god.

    Anderson Cooper is talking to Kamala.

    After Kamala basically explains some actual achievements of the Biden administration while refusing to address Biden’s incoherence…

    Cooper says “Yes but neither candidate explained what you just said so succinctly and quickly.”

    This is after Kamala has been stalling for almost an hour. When she comes in screen she’s twirling her hair nervously and does it again, unable to even crack her immensely fake smile a single time.

    MSNBC and CNN basically are either in shock or reporting on the entire Democratic party being in shock.

    With MSNBC, after most of the panel talks about the possibility of Biden resigning Maddow just got into an argument with some other talking head over whether or not its possible for Biden to bow out, as the other person says yeah it actually is technically possible.

    To sum up, Cooper asked Kamala if Joe is like this all the time.

    She did not say no.

    What an astounding fuck up.

  • I think it was his third time speaking… he was answering one question on one topic and basically accidentally started talking about something else and then was visibly confused as he realized he was making no sense.

    I am legitimately going to need to read a transcript of this to figure out wtf he was talking about half the time.

    Like… Biden was just asked if his age would impact his presidency.

    His response was to mumble about being the youngest person in politics originally, and uh we are building more chip fab plants, and America is awesome.

    Trump is now answering the same question and is actually staying on topic for his entire answer though he’s lying a bit.

    And Joe just went back to mumbling about how Trump is actually 6 foot 4, or 6 foot 5, or well anyway he couldnt carry his bag while golfing.

    Yeah… Biden is very much coming across as a near senile grandpa and Trump is coming across far more well composed.

  • Yeah, its infuriating that punk has become a suffix.

    There is nothing punk about steampunk, dieselpunk, atompunk. They are just fantasy technological scenarios / art styles.

    Cyberpunk has an both a recognizable aesthetic and a whole lot of political, social and philosophical views baked into it. You get the punks in cyberpunk as either a direct ideological opposition to the power of corporations, or as an indirect result of said corpos creating a hell world for 99% of people.

    There is nothing inherently rebellious about worlds or characters within worlds with more prevalent / advanced steam or diesel or nuclear power.

    Solarpunk arguably has some actual punk to it if you actually try to follow the idea of personally minimizing your fossil fuel usage, but mostly its a utopian or post-dystopian setting / art style.

    Its now like -gate being affixed to any kind of publicized controversy.

    Most people do not understand what Watergate even was and why it was so significant.

  • Its possible they could last long enough for some kind of rescue mission, assuming they were in the cabin and not blown out into space.

    Fairly sure the payload bay does not have windows.

    Or they may have been able to rendezvous with the ISS and live there, assuming the damage was only to the shuttle bay.

    They’d certainly die if they attempted to re enter the atmosphere.

    Though, judging by how small the earth is… they seem to be significantly higher in earth orbit than any shuttle missions I am aware of?

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptomemes@lemmy.worldWait what
    4 days ago

    Nah, it was my handwriting, used the same lingo and joke I remember using at the time, took up most of the board… which is why I was so shocked it hadn’t been erased.

    Most of the time people wrote on it, they were gracious with the space.

    Due to typing far more often than writing, and many years later me figuring out oh haha I’m actually naturally left handed, my writing is a fairly uncommon kind of small cap block print, otherwise I am basically the only one capable of reading my non block print scribbles.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptomemes@lemmy.worldWait what
    4 days ago

    I recently returned to a hole in the wall restaurant that I used to frequent in my college days. One of the few actual restaurants in the city that never closed.

    A decade later, a semi nonsensical scrawl about being kind and good to people I’d written on a dry erase board while quite drunk… was still there.

    It only needed minor updating to be more gender inclusive, which someone else had done without removing any of my writing.

    When I was frequenting this restaurant, the whole board was wiped every week or so.

    For some reason, what I wrote persisted for a decade.

    I couldn’t believe it.

  • As the other commenter mention, yes Estate sales and other kinds of government auctions / sales of things like repo’d property or good can be a decent way to find deals as buyer…

    …but flipping them is not likely to earn you much.

    Only form of profitable mass reselling I am aware of is when you’re selling goods stolen from mass retail theft, lol.

  • Its generally more up to date with newer standards and such than Debian, but it is by no means bleeding edge.

    Bleeding edge is generally bad unless you really need some specific thing for a specific reason.

    If your whole set up is bleeding edge then congrats, you are a basically alpha testing an OS.