When it comes to dealing with advertisements when they’re surfing on their browsers. I’ve just learned recently about how Google has or is killing UBlock Origin on the Chrome browser as well as all Chromium based browsers too.

We’ve heard for years about people complaining, bitching, whining and vice versa about how they keep seeing ads. And those trying to help them, keep wasting time to tell these people that they’re surfing without extensions. Whether it’d be on Chrome or Firefox or another browser.

By this point, I’ve long stopped being that helper because if you cared at all about the advertisements you see, you would’ve long had gotten on the wagon of getting adblockers by now. You bring this onto yourself.

  • capital@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Is it still full tilt?

    Looking at CDC graphs of excess deaths, it appears we’re back at baseline. That is, assuming I’m reading this correctly which is very much not a sure thing.