I’ll start off with one, Being upset about a breakup that happened hundreds of years ago.
Edit 1:
- Heath death of the universe, Death of the sun, etc, does not count. I feel like focusing on this is an overused point.
Edit 2:
- Loneliness does not count. I feel like we all know immortality means you’ll miss people and lose them.
immortality doesn’t guarantee perpetual health, you’re alive, but so broken and sick you wish you could die, but you can’t
Yeah this answer.
Imagine being immortal and you get stuck somewhere.
Like in a giant land slide.
Alive, but stuck in nutty putty cave for eternity
Not eternity, just a few billion years until earth is vaporized by the sun going supernova.
Then you’re free - to drift through empty space forever.
“I have no mouth and I must scream” could end up being a plausible way to spend eternity.
Just listened to that recently. I could see this being a thing.
I also couldn’t believe how graphic it was for how old it is.
My knees hurt already. I can’t imagine living with constant aging forever until you’re just a crumpled pile on the ground and then it still goes on.
Brandon Sanderson wrote a novel about this.