I just saw an article that said: can the pst pro run elde ring at 60 fps? What the fuck, the ps5 can’t do that? What is even the point then? Maybe i’m hallucinating, because i have seen maybe one or two ps5 in stores, but doesn’t it have some pretentious 8k ready sticker or something on it?
Even if you build your PC with PS5 equivalents, you are most likely to pay at least a bit more for the whole package, and - most importantly - games still won’t run as smooth as they do on PS5.
Console games are optimized to work best specifically with their hardware
That’s another thing, yes - games are more pricy, cannot be pirated and there’s no third party websites for buying keys for cheap.
That being said, you can still buy games on discs and later resell them. That way you basically play for free if you buy used and resell for the same price.
Also it’s a fucking console in a universe where PCs exist.
I just saw an article that said: can the pst pro run elde ring at 60 fps? What the fuck, the ps5 can’t do that? What is even the point then? Maybe i’m hallucinating, because i have seen maybe one or two ps5 in stores, but doesn’t it have some pretentious 8k ready sticker or something on it?
DF tested it and no, The PS5 Pro can’t run Elden Ring at 60 FPS. Also ye the whole 8K thing is infuriating not even the RTX 4090 can do 8K reliably
' neural network upscaled from 480p
* neural network upscaled from 10 fps
" you don’t own a fucking 8K display, stop kidding yourself. If you did it would look the same as a 4K display but take 4 times as much energy to run
Hold on to your butts, there’s a wave of dipshits on their way to say “BuT a CoNsOlE iS sPeCiFiCalLy MaDe To PlAy ThEsE gAmEs!1!1!”
You will need to pay at least twice as much for a PC if you want games to run as nice as they do on PS5
AMD rx 6800 is $350 said to be equivalent.
Even if you build your PC with PS5 equivalents, you are most likely to pay at least a bit more for the whole package, and - most importantly - games still won’t run as smooth as they do on PS5.
Console games are optimized to work best specifically with their hardware
True. How much are games on the ps5 and how much do you pay to be allowed to play online?
That’s another thing, yes - games are more pricy, cannot be pirated and there’s no third party websites for buying keys for cheap.
That being said, you can still buy games on discs and later resell them. That way you basically play for free if you buy used and resell for the same price.
I’m also a big fan of Playstation Plus