$1mm in 2014 invested in dogecoin would be worth more. Bitcoin in 2010 would be extra stupid crazy rich.
Also, Apple was probably cheaper to buy in the mid 90’s just before Bill Gates saved the company for Steve Jobs than it was in 1980. You didnt want apple stock before they cane up with the ipod. It went down to 10 cents a share in December of 1997.
$1MM to 1980, invested into Apple.
Figure out what was needed to be able to use large amounts of gold at the time without suspicion to avoid the printed moey issue.
$1mm in 2014 invested in dogecoin would be worth more. Bitcoin in 2010 would be extra stupid crazy rich.
Also, Apple was probably cheaper to buy in the mid 90’s just before Bill Gates saved the company for Steve Jobs than it was in 1980. You didnt want apple stock before they cane up with the ipod. It went down to 10 cents a share in December of 1997.
Maybe, but I’d rather not feed the bullshit fad.
The apple fad, dogecoin fad, or bitcoin fad? Also, selling billions worth of dogecoin or bitcoin or even enough Apple, will crash the fad.