Believe it or not, this is a perfect time to leave a voice mail. The not answering spam calls I am normalized with, but the refusal to use voice mail for important calls is inexcusable.
I tried many years ago and couldn’t figure it out. I’ve been hoping it will eventually fill up one day so people just can’t leave messages anymore, but as I type that out, I realize that’s probably highly unlikely to ever happen.
Believe it or not, this is a perfect time to leave a voice mail. The not answering spam calls I am normalized with, but the refusal to use voice mail for important calls is inexcusable.
Dunno about other countries, but in Brazil you have to pay to listen to your voicemail
Never had that in the US AFAIK, but we used to have to pay by the SMS text.
There’s people out there who haven’t disabled their voice mail? Wild…
I tried many years ago and couldn’t figure it out. I’ve been hoping it will eventually fill up one day so people just can’t leave messages anymore, but as I type that out, I realize that’s probably highly unlikely to ever happen.