This is gonna sound like a troll post but i assure you it is not.

I don’t have a coding background but I’ve used Teams in a lot of workplaces and really only encountered like 2 issues entirely.

Either I got seriously lucky or it was before enshittification.

Why do you yourself dislike it? Is it UI? Performance?

I should also say I use Teams for basic purposes like messaging and uploading files, I literally don’t touch anything else and performance hadn’t been an issue. (Likely because I’ve been given thicc-ass workstations in the past)

    1 month ago

    Microsoft doesn’t ACTUALLY care about teams so it’s a nonstop bad UX, then they try to fix it, then they go a different direction, and so on. To Microsoft, its an add on that they mostly use to keep people away from Slack. When they spend time on it, all they are doing is enough to keep people away from Slack.

    Its been like, what, 2 years there they’ve shipped a “new” client seperate from the existing client (at least on macOS)? People are constantly using the wrong one or switching when one breaks, and Microsoft constantly breaks the new one.

    On windows the existence of the built-in “Teams” App is constantly confusing when people are trying to sign into a work account, which requires a different client. This is because the “Teams” App in Windows is just a rebadged Skype.

    Before 2022 when I used it for some meetings (we used slack in our unit since we had some of our own budget, but the wider corp was on teams) it was a daily toss up as to whether video calls would work on macos or linux.

    Most of my frustrations come from having to develop some integrations with teams:

    1. Right now there’s a massive bug for the templating language to render cards in the UI and Microsoft’s answer has largely been a big shoulder shrug.

    2. There are several really easy ways an admin can break a custom integration via azure. Obviously an app-based integration is better, but it’s also really common in b2b to have more ad-hoc setups to send some data to teams. Even better, lots of small/medium companies have been convinced that they don’t need IT people to help them with their Azure configuration, so no one ever knows how to solve any problems they create (this also applies to email fwiw… Unbelievable how many small/medium O365 customers have very broken email servers)

    3. Microsoft’s implementation of federation between O365 users is a mess of tiered settings, and figuring our if rhe issue is on the business side or your side is a sysiphean task. If you are in an org which doesn’t have a domain hooked up to your setup (as in you use there is a very specific sign in page you have to use or it’ll blow up on you. And it’s not the generic sign in page you get when going to teams or O364’s web site.

    Tl:dr; Teams is a hacked together mess of bubble gum and toothpicks masquerading as a chat app. Its a miracle ir works as well as it does for “normal” usage, but it’s a joke compared to Slack in every other way and quickly becomes a nightmare if you are working on integrations with it.