If you have non-meat alternatives that are within your means and provide the same nutritional value, and you still choose to eat meat on purpose, then it is for pleasure. But if you have a specific circumstance that is preventing you from switching to alternatives, then that’s a different story.
I’m not disagreeing with you. My mother has been a vegetarian for decades. She suffers from blood pressure problem and constantly has to go see her doctor. Every time it gets worse she has to eat a small amount of meat to boost her nutritional level, but then she always goes back to being a vegetarian.
If it’s OK for anyone to have a meatless diet, good. If further more he or she does it to save the planet, even better. But not everyone can do so, so I hope those who can do it stop pointing fingers.
but i have an extremely rare disease that forces me to eat dead animals, animals do it too, plants feel pain, a vegan was rude to me 10 years ago, and its not like me paying for farmers to kill animals and thus creating a demand for meat means i have a hand in it!!!
Eating meat. It contributes 15-20% of the entire planets greenhouse gasses alone. And people do it just for pleasure. It’s mindboggling.
Legalize cannibalism
Some people would look at the oncoming environmental end of civilisation and go “ugh, another VEGAN trying to shove their ideology down my throat”
What? Meat provide like 90% of my protein intake. What are you suggesting here? Stop living?
Oh yeah, you are doing fine just by eating vegetables. I don’t.
And no, I don’t eat meat to have pleasure. I eat it to live.
If you have non-meat alternatives that are within your means and provide the same nutritional value, and you still choose to eat meat on purpose, then it is for pleasure. But if you have a specific circumstance that is preventing you from switching to alternatives, then that’s a different story.
I’m not disagreeing with you. My mother has been a vegetarian for decades. She suffers from blood pressure problem and constantly has to go see her doctor. Every time it gets worse she has to eat a small amount of meat to boost her nutritional level, but then she always goes back to being a vegetarian.
If it’s OK for anyone to have a meatless diet, good. If further more he or she does it to save the planet, even better. But not everyone can do so, so I hope those who can do it stop pointing fingers.
Why doesn’t your mother take a vitamin?
You might want to investigate veggie keto for your mom, the most common cause of primary high blood pressure is elevated insulin levels.
but i have an extremely rare disease that forces me to eat dead animals, animals do it too, plants feel pain, a vegan was rude to me 10 years ago, and its not like me paying for farmers to kill animals and thus creating a demand for meat means i have a hand in it!!!