Embedding facial recognition surveillance in a city-wide CCTV network represents a shocking expansion of police surveillance, and turns Cardiff into an Orwellian zone of biometric surveillance. This unprecedented use of the technology could pave the way for the mass rollout of permanent facial recognition surveillance across the UK. Live facial recognition technology turns us into walking barcodes and makes us a nation of suspects. This network of facial recognition cameras will make it impossible for Cardiff residents and visitors to opt-out of a biometric police identity check.
So where are all the dorks always talking about the CCP and social credit score now? Britian and America are gonna do the same if not already done
Both things can be bad.
5 Eyes has been simping for China’s Golden Shield for as long as China has had it. Now Curtis Yarven and his circle of authoritarian tech bro freaks and 5 corpos in a trench coat are running America. Then the UK gets Apple to remove ADP and now, a nation that already has a hard-on for security cameras decides to expand biometric surveillance in quick succession. Hmm… interesting.
Most cities in the US have been running clearview ai facial recognition city wide for several years now.
What is this comment trying to say? Do you think the people who are critical of surveillance in China are OK with it in their cities? You’re gloating to a strawman
Hi its me, and I condemn it here too and will be taking direct action where possible.
Don’t hurt the normie, mate
He got nothing to hide 🤡