Linux: Haha potato chip go BRRRR
in the UK we call them microcrisps
I am British myself so I can relate to calling them microcrisps😂
tech can be tasty too :)
It took me an embarrassing number of decades before I realized they were called (silicon) chips after American snack chips. I always thought it was a weird thing to call something that was plainly a carefully sliced thin sliver and not a piece chipped off anything.
As I did with potato chips too, but that was an established term in American English and it took me a very long time to realize one was named after the other.
I have a similar memory of when I was young, overhearing my older brother and my uncle talking about chips. I thought they were talking about oven chips (fries elsewhere in the world). They were talking about the semiconductor industry. All I could think about was yummy yummy carbs.
On an unrelated nore, I now work in the semiconductor industry.
Chips every day!
This is my computer currently, running Linux.
To be fair, i386 support was removed from the mainline kernel in 2013, and 486SX support was strongly considered to be dropped in 2022.
You are an OS. Act like it.
Uppity fuckers are building the worlds largest botnet and cherrypicking hardware
Fuck Microsoft and all, but this headline and article are basically bullshit. The requirements for Windows 11 aren’t changing. This requirement covers future models of PC released by OEMs. It doesn’t affect existing models, home-builds, second hand, refurbished, end-of-line, surplus, etc, etc.
Meanwhile, I saw a post on r/debian a few weeks ago of a user running Debian 12 on a Pentium III server.
My 3rd and 4th gen i7 workstations are also running it like champs.
It seems that (no matter how hard people try) Microsoft will always stop supporting some CPUs for no reason. It’s utterly pathetic, don’t get me wrong, but it wont stop people from installing Windows 11 on “unsupported” hardware.