Not a huge anime fan, so don’t really care as much with regards to animated stuff… But for me it makes a HUGE difference with live action.
If the actors’ mouths don’t line up exactly with the voices, it’s a major distraction for me and I cannot pay attention to literally anything else happening on screen. This is even the case when it’s English, but the audio track is slightly off-sync. Drives me up a wall.
If you pull up original translated subtitles and an English dub on the same video. You’ll often find that meanings and intent can also vary because dubbers have to tweak stuff to make the flow work in a completely different language. I’ve seen several anime episodes where lines of text changed meaning because of this.
Also English VA are just not as good as expressing feelings in tone of voice. Japanese in general seems (from an outsider’s flawed perspective) to have more tonal qualities that impart on me as the listener more obvious tones (excited, angry, what-have-you). Especially with the way the JP VAs play into it more.
So yes, I prefer to watch Anime in the original JP, and I keep English subs on for stuff that I don’t understand. Over time though I seem to understand more and more without reading the direct English translation.
I will admit that I don’t watch a whole lot of other foreign content though. I’d imagine I’d do the same with Polish/German content though as I’ve grown up around both (family) that I could probably glean similar understanding as I do with Anime now. But other languages I probably would just look for an EN dub.
The point is that you can enjoy quality voice acting and it’s usually superior in its original form. That said, there are many dubs that are of equal or even higher quality than some originals. And I’m not talking just about JP vs ENG languages.
Idk man, I’m not really interested in sounds I don’t understand constantly going while I’m reading text and trying to watch the show itself at the same time, if you want to know what is being said you have to be actively looking at the screen. It can be fun sometimes and I have watched whole shows in sub like eyeshield, mob psycho, one punch man, etc and I will admit my wife and I still quote the over the top Japanese voice actors fondly :P but for casual viewing… Dub is simply more convenient and less stressful.
Most of them, yea.
My maiden language isn’t English, so I grew up consuming most content either dubbed or with subtitles, and I learned at some point most of the time my experience is better in the original language, even if I don’t understand it.
If you don’t speak Japanese, why would you watch anime in Japanese? Do you watch all films you do not know the original languages of with subtitles?
Yes. I do prefer to watch films not in English in their original language.
The only exception would be very fast dialogue or multiple people speaking at once. But I can read at the speed of most movie speech.
I prefer to watch stuff in languages I know with subtitles as well.
Not a huge anime fan, so don’t really care as much with regards to animated stuff… But for me it makes a HUGE difference with live action.
If the actors’ mouths don’t line up exactly with the voices, it’s a major distraction for me and I cannot pay attention to literally anything else happening on screen. This is even the case when it’s English, but the audio track is slightly off-sync. Drives me up a wall.
If you pull up original translated subtitles and an English dub on the same video. You’ll often find that meanings and intent can also vary because dubbers have to tweak stuff to make the flow work in a completely different language. I’ve seen several anime episodes where lines of text changed meaning because of this.
Also English VA are just not as good as expressing feelings in tone of voice. Japanese in general seems (from an outsider’s flawed perspective) to have more tonal qualities that impart on me as the listener more obvious tones (excited, angry, what-have-you). Especially with the way the JP VAs play into it more.
So yes, I prefer to watch Anime in the original JP, and I keep English subs on for stuff that I don’t understand. Over time though I seem to understand more and more without reading the direct English translation.
I will admit that I don’t watch a whole lot of other foreign content though. I’d imagine I’d do the same with Polish/German content though as I’ve grown up around both (family) that I could probably glean similar understanding as I do with Anime now. But other languages I probably would just look for an EN dub.
You are asking why adults would prefer to watch stuff in their original language lol
I prefer it as well, when I can understand the language.
Why do you need to understand the language, you can just read the subtitles
What’s the point of original audio, if you can’t understand it?
The point is that you can enjoy quality voice acting and it’s usually superior in its original form. That said, there are many dubs that are of equal or even higher quality than some originals. And I’m not talking just about JP vs ENG languages.
Idk man, I’m not really interested in sounds I don’t understand constantly going while I’m reading text and trying to watch the show itself at the same time, if you want to know what is being said you have to be actively looking at the screen. It can be fun sometimes and I have watched whole shows in sub like eyeshield, mob psycho, one punch man, etc and I will admit my wife and I still quote the over the top Japanese voice actors fondly :P but for casual viewing… Dub is simply more convenient and less stressful.
Most of them, yea. My maiden language isn’t English, so I grew up consuming most content either dubbed or with subtitles, and I learned at some point most of the time my experience is better in the original language, even if I don’t understand it.