• DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Here we see the liberal tendency to “shame” people into co-operating with them. Notice how they have tried to blame the victim (in this case communists, not myself specifically) insisting that if communists stopped being communists and started being liberals, they would “succeed” in their goals somehow. This is practically a case study in how smug liberals with extreme brainworms think they understand everything, yet understand nothing, and think that screaming “give a me source” is somehow a slam dunk argument, despite explicitly rejecting that very offer much earlier.

    Very typical behaviour here, refusing to learn, then being mad when we don’t bend over backwards to teach. Notice how in the liberal’s brainworm addled mind, they are the Most Important Person in the Room at all times, and all others must cater to them, and them alone. They make no efforts to extend the “civility” they claim to champion, yet demand it of others in all circumstances. Notice how they cannot even perceive their own ignorance or double standards or hypocrisy, but are happy to project their personal faults onto others.

    Sadly, there is no hope for libs like this, their brainworms are settled in, and they have no interest in engaging in good faith, they never have, even from the start. Notice how the lib was insisting, nay, demanding I provide a source for my claims, only after it became clear I wasn’t catering to them and kowtowing to them, despite me openly offering to provide information at the beginning of this conversation. This is very common lib behaviour.

    They are constantly fighting with their own brainworms, and so struggle angrily and impotently against things they refuse to learn about or understand. Notice how they will always fall back to the same half-dozen cliches on any topic they refuse to learn about. They seek not to learn or change their minds, but only to find some excuse to dismiss. They believe they understand the concept of a “source” but sadly, they lack the capacity to actually read or engage with one. So when they insist upon a source, it is only so they can reject it out of hand, without having examined it. Don’t be too upset with them, they can’t help their own intellectual dishonesty, and aren’t even aware they are doing it. In fact, a smug lib’s mind is so full of holes from their brainworms that they aren’t even aware that opinions and information other than their own actually exist, and will come up with all manner of explanations for why someone who disagrees with them, or understands a topic better than them doesn’t really understand or doesn’t really disagree, and is in fact, just pretending to, in order to trick them, as one of the symptoms of terminal brainworms is a dangerous swelling of the ego.

    • taiphlosion@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      Man this was some David Attenborough type of reading 😭🙌🏿

      Edit: went back and read this in Steve Irwin’s voice I’m dying 💀

    • wtry@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      First, I am a communist. Second, I’m not victim blaming, I’m saying that we can’t attain any progress in a democracy if we dont work with liberals, as we dont have have the number. I’m not saying “become liberal”, I’m saying that we need to work within a big teny party to attain power. While I do disagree with you, both as an ML and your specific viewpoint, I will not deny that I’d rather have communists I disagree with than the us’ spiral into fascism.

      Also, you shouldn’t complain about sourcing your arguments. Even if you’re not arguing with me, you will argue with other people who, whether you’re correct or incorrect, will demand sources.

      • I am a communist

        I’m saying that we can’t attain any progress in a democracy if we dont work with liberals

        I’m saying that we need to work within a big teny party to attain power.

        cat nyet

        • taiphlosion@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          Didn’t they say earlier in the thread that communism “didn’t work”? Lol can’t even keep consistent

        • wtry@lemm.ee
          7 months ago

          I don’t get how it’s controversial to say that communists are not the majority of people, and therefore can’t act on our own. If we were an established party and didn’t need liberals, I wouldn’t be saying that we should work with liberals. But if we alienate ourselves from liberals and vote for our own candidates, who won’t win due to our small membership, it will be the right that wins, thereby pushing our progress back.

          • GaryLeChat@lemmygrad.ml
            7 months ago

            Hmm, voting. I think you need to read up on Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder by V.I. Lenin. In fact, even State and Revolution and maybe even What is to be done? (I haven’t completed this one yet).

            It seems like you’re rusty on what revolutionary socialism is.

            • wtry@lemm.ee
              7 months ago

              I still don’t get how it’s controversial to say that to gain power, we need numbers, and we agree with liberals more than fascists, and therefore to get power to us and away from fascists we should unify until we can create a revolution, or a party that will be voted in.

      • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        Ooh! Notice how the liberal is trying to get behind me, pretending to support me, this is their preferred method of attack, as they like to stab people in the back. The liberal naively thinks that insisting upon something makes it so. Communists of course, are well aware of this liberal tendency to insist on being “one of us” while simultaneously denouncing everything we do and refusing to even understand the most basic concepts of what we actually support.


        This liberal has figured out I am not arguing with them, but am in fact mocking them, but mistakes my mockery for “complaints.” The liberal, once again, is under the impression that whining about “sources” will get me to bend over backwards to try and impress them. But this is a common ruse by libs. As stated earlier, liberals with such an advanced degree of brainworms have no interest in reading sources, they simply want me to waste my time, they get a sick, smug thrill out of the idea of others desperately trying to educate them, to get them to think, and they flail about aimlessly, as this one has been doing, when we refuse to play their sick, twisted games.

        Notice the entire time this lib has been demanding “sources” despite me making no actual claims, they conveniently ignored the source I posted earlier. This is also an incredibly common liberal tactic. If something is inconvenient to their argument, they will simply pretend it doesn’t exist. They cannot engage with something honestly and earnestly, but hypocrisy is one of the greatest of liberal values, so they demand their opponents engage with their arguments in that way.

        This ties back to concept of liberals simply not understanding that someone else could know something they do not. Liberals demand sources not to learn, but to dismiss, to deny. The liberal believes that their claims are the Truth, with a capital “T” and thus, despite them making claims this entire time, have not felt compelled to offer any sources themselves. Again, this is due to the liberal’s desire to see others cater to them, with no intention of returning the favour. Liberals will insist upon rules that they themselves do not follow, and if they don’t follow their own rules, neither should we.

        This is why I haven’t bothered to directly engage with the brainworm excrement dribbling out of this liberal’s mouth, because any counter point I give will not actually be listened to. I would have a more productive time sharing sources with a brick wall. This lib mistakes my refusal to play their games for ignorance, when they are the ignorant party here, if they actually knew what they were talking about, they would know communists have dealt with these exact same empty liberal claims for well over a century at this point. https://www.marxists.org/archive/luxemburg/1900/reform-revolution/index.htm

        Now we watch and see what the liberal does. In this situation, the liberal will usually deny anything I present entirely, due to me not playing by their rules (which, as we’ve established, they do not follow themselves). But perhaps this one will surprise us with some new behaviour we’ve never seen before for liberals, there’s always a first time.

        • xkyfal18@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          Comrade, I’m telling you, you should pursue making documentaries after the revolution, this is amazing 😭😭😭

        • wtry@lemm.ee
          7 months ago

          Is it that hard to not treat me as if you’re a natgeo narrator. You’re not debunking the libs by not engaging with them, you just alienate your comrades who don’t agree with you on everything.

          • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
            7 months ago

            Oh dear, that’s probably it for now, this lib has reached the point that they will simply regurgitate the same circular statements again and again. A well-coordinated team of comrades can keep them going like this for hours, but it will just be repeats of their previous statements over and over again, so there’s nothing new to learn here.

            I am not following their preferred script and it upsets them, they want me to play their games, and have run out of new ways to try to get me back on their preferred track. Here we see the real tragedy of liberal brainworms. They simply believe that insisting upon something enough will make it so, that just repeating the same things over and over give them more weight, make them more correct, as if simply stating something enough will make it true.

            Remember these important lessons when dealing with a lib online:

            #1: Determine if they are acting in good faith. Libs with fewer brainworms than this one can be quite agreeable and willing to listen and learn. While dunking on libs is fun, it’s important to make sure they choose to reject information first. Always prioritise education and knowledge initially, even if they are being rude.

            #2: Don’t follow their script or play their games. Once it has been established they aren’t interested in learning, a lib is only interested in one thing: stroking their ego. By playing their games and agreeing to their rules, even passively, it shows the lib that they are in control, that the “tankies” will bend over backwards to give them attention. Do not treat them with the respect they demand to be treated by, it will never be shown in kind. Give them the respect their smug attitude deserves.

            #3: Hypocrisy is the beating heart of the liberal. The reason we should not play their games is because they will insist upon rules for us, that they will then ignore. Like a child obsessed with winning a board game no matter what, they will make up “rules” as they go along to ensure they win. Even if you follow their rules at first, they will inevitably change them at some point so they can still “win.”

            #4: Related to the previous point, the primary function of a liberal’s online “debates” is ego stroking. All they care about is “winning.” Not discussion, not learning, not information, not understanding, simply “winning” and if we abide by their rules, they will invariably change them so they can declare victory. Even good faith liberals will do this, which is why we need to make it clear to them that this is unacceptable behaviour if they show it. If they are interested in learning, that includes learning etiquette beyond the liberal faux civility.

            #5: Don’t expect them to change their minds. This may seem obvious, but this goes even for those in point 1, even good faith liberals will still need time to digest information that unbalances and confronts their worldview, we all do. While these rules apply to all liberals, we should be patient with those genuinely interested in learning.

            #6: I forgot one, an important one! PROJECTION. Libs, when dealing with someone not playing by their rules, will simply assert that their own issues and hypocrisy are actually a trait of whomever is dealing with them, in order to protect their own ego. In the worst cases, they will essentially just regurgitate their opponent’s accusations against them, with a “no u” or “actually you do this not me.” sort of attitude.

            BONUS: As I mentioned before this list, a group of dedicated comrades can keep them ranting impotently for hours, this is because libs always have to get last word in. I’ve never seen one who can just hit the block button and let someone else finish the interaction. So as a small kindness to this one, I’ll not be responding to their final comment below (which they made before this edit, which includes both this point and #6, which slipped my mind when I was originally writing this, but the lib reminded me to put it here, thank you lib).

            • wtry@lemm.ee
              7 months ago

              I’m going to stop now because you’ve also been chasing your tail, not engaging with my arguments, but rather calling me a lib because I disagree with you. You would call Marx a lib if he were alive today. Also, why do you treat libs as people below you, have you not thought of the idea that this could be why they disagree with you?

              • taiphlosion@lemmygrad.ml
                7 months ago

                Did you read anything anyone has been saying? Cause they’re absolutely correct in their analysis of you. Everything up till now you’ve just refused to listen, you continue to act smug like you know what you’re talking about and don’t even make an attempt to understand any of the concepts being explained to you.

                Talk about being unprepared to critically examine your own worldview.