I used to be a PC-only gamer but the older I get the more I gravitate toward very ‘simple’ platforms.

Because my gaming time slots can be unpredictable and sometimes short I can’t take too much time setting things up.

I was surprised to find that I use the Nintendo Switch a lot because the games are on cartridges (usually few to no downloading needed) and I can continue playing the game when I am away from home. Really surprising, considering I bought it out of curiosity in 2017 and that it is in some ways underpowered compared to my other devices- I never had a Nintendo ‘home’ console before that.

I thought of adding the PS4 to this mention however recently I’ve been avoiding playing it due to the constant updates. The worst example was when my SO bought me Red Dead Redemption 2. I sat down, excited to play it, when suddenly it pormpted me to download a HUGE update . It really kind of ruined my first session.

What are your experiences and your preferred devices?

  • Chadsalot@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I use a sbc device with emulators now a days. It’s the perfect “pick up and put down” situation for me. I’d really recommend looking into it especially for quality of life things like save states and being able to pick up where you left off exactly.

    As for deciding what platforms to play, my biggest advice is looking at how many buttons a controller has. I don’t see people talk about this a lot, but when I’m looking to play a simple game, my first thought is “how many buttons do I feel like using?”

    With this thought in my mind I’ve been gravitating towards things like GBA, SNES, N64, and when I want something a little more complex, Ps1 or Dreamcast.