I said that HL would get average reviews at best because it was gonna be a janky game, and that there would be two camps in the user reviews: reactionaries who barely play the game so they can stick it to the LGBT community, and the other camp who will play the game and just admit that it’s not super good.

I was wrong on the fact that the reviews would be average; the press loved this game – I underestimated how much they loved the HP franchise. But I was right that the game was criticised for some jankiness.

Anyway our own co-admin @ksynwa@lemmygrad.ml was right about it when he told me that the game would get an 85 on metacritic – it’s sitting in at 84!

  • What fumbles me is that despite the jank, IGN still had the guts to give the game a fucking 9 outta 10; simply because the reporter liked Parrying Hotter. Shouldn’t you deduct a few points for the Jank? Especially on a AAA quality game?

    They really should hire people that actually play video games as game journalists. Ugh.

    And no, I haven’t played, nor am I playing Logwart’s Hegacy. I can’t find it in me to care about whatever that Just Kidding Rowling woman makes.