I use a cheap BT stick to connect my Dual Shock-alike to Proton-driven games via Steam.
The first thing I’ve noticed is that it doesn’t connect automatically, but that’s okay.
Then I was surprised it LEDs’ colors are changeable via Steam, but just like other DS4 it can’t output sound not via itself nor via a dedicated 3,5mm hole, but it’s a given. Sony are spooks, that’s okay too.
What troubles me most rn is that it lags, a lot. I can press a joystic one way and release, and it would still move a character for seconds in one direction. A fix? Just plugging it into a charger (not connected to this PC) solves it. As long as it is charged via a wall socket, it works. When it’s disconnected, it starts to lag after some time.
I can’t comprehend why a fully charged controller behaves like that. Does it have some faulty battery or something?
I don’t have much experience with BT controllers, thus I ask you for an advice.
You said it’s off-brand, and I have to wonder what kind of Bluetooth radio they used. Do you know what Bluetooth version it has?
It says 2.1 + EDR whatever that means, IEEE 802.15.1 on 2402-2408 MHz
I’d recommend getting a good quality Bluetooth adapter known to work well in Linux. Even a decent one shouldn’t be expensive. Avoid combo BT/wifi sticks.