quote from here:


The Zionist colony of apartheid Israel is frequently referred to as a US military beachhead in the Middle East. In addition, the colony holds great symbolic and economic value for Western imperialism.

In an interview conducted by Orinoco Tribune and available on Orinoco Tribune’s YouTube channel, Beirut-based Marouf spoke at length about the ongoing Zionist genocide of the people of Palestine.

“Without the existence of this colony,” Marouf elaborated, “the imaginary white man that was fabricated cannot exist—this imaginary white man that was fabricated, that has not only colonized these Arab lands, but also looted and colonized their cultures and religions and is claiming to speak on behalf of my ancestors, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammed, and genociding whole continents in the name of Jesus of Palestine—three continents, the Americas and Oceania—and is now trying to colonize, ethnically cleanse, and genocide Palestine in the name of Moses of Egypt. This is what the liberation of Palestine means. It means they do not only lose control of the trade routes and all these oil and gas fields in the region, they also lose control of the imaginary identity that they fabricated through our genocide.”