Yet another refugee who washed up on the shore after the great Reddit disaster of 2023

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Mastadon is to Twitter as Lemmy is to Reddit. So you don’t really follow topics, but you can follow people if you want (I never have) and you can join communities on the topics you’re interested in. Some of the things you’ve mentioned, like Linux, are very popular/prolific here.

    My advice is to set your browsing by All (and whichever of the other one makes sense to you; I usually do New, but sometimes one of the Top ones), then when you see something posted in a community that you’re interested in, instead of clicking on the post, click on the community name. In the sidebar, you can subscribe to the community. After you’ve been doing that a while, if you want you can change your browsing to Subscribed.

    There’s also a Lemmy Explorer, and you can set it to Communities at the top and find the ones that are the most active or are on the subjects you’re looking for.

    Having your posts seen is mostly a matter of posting to active communities with engaging topics.

    Welcome and good luck!

  • It’s not a good comparison. You can also say that a PhD doesn’t help you at all to be a fast food worker.

    For a given profession, if you’re looking to hire an entry level person at an entry level salary, and someone applies who has decades of experience in that profession, it makes a difficult situation for the organization. When it’s time for raises, how do you fairly compare that person to the actual entry level people? If the person could legitimately get double their salary, are they going to stay on your team for the lower salary? Stuff like that makes it problematic.

  • You’re going to take a single counter example and throw out everything else? I also mentioned there are different types, and some are like Christy Walton, who haven’t worked at all. But neither of those examples means that there aren’t a bunch of workaholics on the list.

    Look, at least most of us agree that the wealth inequality is grotesque, but I’m not sure why you have a hard time with the concept that a lot of people get rich by focusing on making money and working very hard at it. I have a hard time with the concept of a CEO making orders of magnitude more than the average worker’s salary, but that doesn’t mean they don’t work a lot.

  • There isn’t one type. There are the ones like Bezos and Dell, who got rich by growing one or more businesses, and are still at it. They likely don’t work normal hours, but they likely work more than 40. Some of those, like Gates, get older and move on to other things like foundation work, but not an actual job. Hard to say what kind of hours they work. Then there are the ones like Christy Walton, who inherited their wealth and don’t really ever work.

  • As suddenly as it had appeared, the magical tornado vanished. And there, occupying the space where the frog had been, was a frog.

    “Fantastic,” said Rincewind.

    The frog gazed at him reproachfully.

    “Really amazing,” said Rincewind sourly. “A frog magically transformed into a frog. Wondrous.”

    “Turn around,” said a voice behind them. It was a soft, feminine voice, almost an inviting voice, the sort of voice you could have a few drinks with, but it was coming from a spot where there oughtn’t to be a voice at all. They managed to turn without really moving, like a couple of statues revolving on plinths.

    There was a woman standing in the pre-dawn light. She looked she was - she had a - in point of actual fact she…

    Later Rincewind and Twoflower couldn’t quite agree on any single fact about her, except that she had appeared to be beautiful (precisely what physical features made her beautiful they could not, definitively, state) and that she had green eyes. Not the pale green of ordinary eyes, either these were the green of fresh emeralds and as iridescent as a dragonfly. And one of the few genuinely magical facts that Rincewind knew was that no god or goddess, contrary and volatile as they might be in all other respects, could change the colour or nature of their eyes…

    “L-“he began. She raised a hand.

    “You know that if you say my name I must depart,” she hissed. “surely you recall that I am the one goddess who comes only when not invoked?”

    “Uh. Yes, I suppose I do,” croaked the wizard, trying not to look at the eyes. “You’re the one they call the Lady?”


    “Are you a goddess then?” said Twoflower excitedly. “I’ve always wanted to meet one.”

    Rincewind tensed, waiting for the explosion of rage. Instead, the Lady merely smiled.

    “Your friend the wizard should introduce us,” she said.

    Rincewind coughed. “Uh, yar,” he said. “This is Twoflower, Lady, he’s a tourist-“

    “-I have attended him on a number of occasions-“

    “And, Twoflower, this is the Lady. Just the Lady, right? Nothing else. Don’t try and give her any other name, okay?” he went on desperately, his eyes darting meaningful glances that were totally lost on the little man.

    Rincewind shivered. He was not, of course, an atheist; on the Disc the gods dealt severely with atheists. On the few occasions when he had some spare change he had always made a point of dropping a few coppers into a temple coffer somewhere, on the principle that a man needed all the friends he could get. But usually he didn’t bother the Gods, and he hoped the Gods wouldn’t bother him. Life was quite complicated enough.

    There were two gods, however, who were really terrifying. The rest of the gods were usually only sort of large-scale humans, fond of wine and war and whoring. But Fate and the Lady were chilling.

    In the Gods’ Quarter, in Ankh-Morpork, Fate had a small, heavy, leaden temple, where hollow-eyed and gaunt worshippers met on dark nights for their predestined-and fairly pointless rites. There were no temples at all to the Lady, although she was arguably the most powerful goddess in the entire history of Creation. A few of the more daring members of the Gamblers’ Guild had once experimented with a form of worship, in the deepest cellars of Guild headquarters, and had all died of penury, murder or just Death within the week. She was the Goddess Who Must Not Be Named; those who sought her never found her, yet she was known to come to the aid of those in greatest need. And, then again, sometimes she didn’t. She was like that. She didn’t like the clicking of rosaries, but was attracted to the sound of dice. No man knew what She looked like, although there were many times when a man who was gambling his life on the turn of the cards would pick up the hand he had been dealt and stare Her full in the face. Of course, sometimes he didn’t. Among all the gods she was at one and the same time the most courted and the most cursed.

    “We don’t have gods where I come from,” said Twoflower.

    “You do, you know,” said the Lady.”Everyone has gods. You just don’t think they’re gods.”

    Rincewind shook himself mentally.

    “Look,” he said. “I don’t want to sound impatient, but in a few minutes some people are going to come through that door and take us away and kill us.”

    [And so on]