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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • While it will technically work, the old tube tvs had a 4:3 resolution of 5xx x 3xx or so, depending on if they used PAL or NTSC. Modern TV Interfaces are typically designed for a screen resolution of 1200x800 and 16:10 or 16:9, which means the fonts will be unreadable and half of the screen is cut off.

  • There is a one-time upfront payment of $55,000, plus an ongoing annual ground rent of $1,091 per bunker. Bunkers are provided in their as-is condition, without interior improvements, equipment or furnishings, ready for your outfitting.

    How is this a “billionaire commune”, when the price is a fraction of a standard 2-bedroom house or even a motorhome, and pretty much everyone can move in?

    • I have a limited amount of bandwith on my mobile plan
    • if i know a game download is large i go home where i have broadband; i dont download large files over mobile internet
    • a text-only website can be rather small with only a few KB. It’s only when you get ““Designers”” that things start to bloat, because the system fonts are not good enough and 2MB in extra fonts no sane visitor will ever notice must be downloaded.
    • the marketing department REALLY needs those 10 extra trackers and analytics scripts that take 5s to load, even if they last looked at the visitor stats back in 2021 and the login has long been forgotten.
    • the CEO wanted that animated AI powered talking gorilla widget he had seen on a local tradeshow where the customers can ask product or website questions (spoiler: they dont!), which ads a few more Megabytes to each pageload even before you even use it.

  • Previous company handled everything over email. No Kanban, no Git, no organization - everything was still handled as it was in a random accounting office back in the 90’s. I spend half of my worktime searching for who-said-what-and-when emails to code feature x, and then had to email it back to another dev.

    There was also zero drive to improve anything. I was yelled at for 5 mins straight for suggesting to add a placeholder to a dateinput (which was declared as ‘<input type=“text”>’, instead of ‘<input type=“date”>’), because the correct format ‘YYYYMMDD’ was never mentioned anywhere on the form or in error mesages, and people keept having issues.