• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Blackbeard@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldSeeing a lot of this lately...
    1 month ago

    not doing good things that make people’s lives better

    They sit back and watch the world burn

    They spent billions to upgrade drinking water infrastructure across the country, as well as roads and bridges. They protected and strengthened the Affordable Care Act by allowing states to extend postpartum coverage up to 12 months, by disallowing several state-level work requirements for Medicaid, by fixing the “family glitch”, by dropping the number of uninsured by 3.5%, by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, by capping the price of insulin, and by banning surprise billing for out-of-network care. They raised the minimum wage for federal workers. They forgave billions in student loans. They expanded VA health care and benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. They rescheduled marijuana. They established decade-long tax credits for everything from electric vehicles to direct air capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide. They ratified the international Kigali Amendment on reducing HFCs. They implemented drinking water standards for PFAS. I could go on, but I’m bored.

    Get your fingers out of your fucking ears, open your eyes, and stop repeating baseless propaganda. I’ll also echo what the commenter above suggested:

    kindly shut the fuck up. I’m an American, I’ve ACTUALLY had to live in this country with Trump and Biden as president, and it’s no contest for me.

    edit: Downvoting incontrovertible facts. Again. This community never ceases to amaze me.

  • Eh, that’s not quite what the survey respondents are saying. It’s not as simple as “support war, yes or no?”:

    The survey, which has a four-point margin of error (rather than the usual three-point), found that almost three-quarters (72%) of all respondents believe Hamas’s decision to launch its attack on Israel on October 7 was “correct.” Less than a quarter (22%) said it was “incorrect.”

    They’re very clearly in favor of the initial attack, not just the response. And it goes further:

    In Gaza, support for armed struggle has risen only slightly from 50% in September 2022 (a year before the current war) to 56% in December 2023. In the West Bank, however, support has been rising dramatically from 35% in September 2022 to 54% in September 2023 (a month before the war). This month, polled support for armed struggle reached 68% in the West Bank.


    But Shikaki cautions that higher support for Hamas should not be over-stated, at least not yet. As more Palestinians come to terms with the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7, so attitudes could change — though that is unlikely to be the case so long as Gaza remains under massive attack.

    Important again is how many people have watched videos from October 7 and the differences between the territories. In Gaza, 25% of those asked said they had viewed such videos; and 16% of all respondents told researchers Hamas had committed war crimes. In the West Bank, the corresponding numbers were just 7% and 1%.

    Gaza is moving out of denial more quickly than the West Bank, Shikaki says, and that means a reckoning for Hamas. Already, only 38% of Gazans want to see the militant group return to governance after the war.

  • blatant election-fraud type behavior that they’ve done

    Or, translated into fascist-speak, if we constantly accuse you of shit we can never prove, even in a court of law.

    pretty soon you’re not going to be able to resolve your differences through the ballot box

    We DID that, you chucklefuck. Your mob of troglodytes stormed the goddamned Capitol to interfere with that process, too. So maybe sit this one out?

    we don’t want that, no one wants a civil war.

    Oh Dave. Have you seen the people who come to these rallies? Or protest at local school board meetings? Have you heard what they say in online discussion forums? Have you seen the transcripts of their conversations leading up to the insurrection? Your supporters are practically salivating over the prospect.

    but there’s only so much you can do if those who are in power, keep undermining free and fair elections.

    Which is exactly why SCOTUS is now involved. Because a mob of Republicans undermined a free and fair election. The lack of self-awareness in these dolts is absolutely astounding.

  • Yeah they’re playing directly into the narrative of the right. If it’s a “longshot” or “shock victory”, then it can easily be blamed on “activist judges”, and therefore ignored as political or a witch hunt. It’s not a “longshot”. It’s a plain text reading of the US Constitution. And its not a “shock victory”, or a “strategy”. It’s not a fucking “victory” at all that we’re in this disgusting mess. It’s unprecedented because what Trump did IS UNPRECEDENTED. No one is winning in this situation.

    I fucking hate 21st century journalists.

  • Thomas Jefferson: “What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

  • On one hand, you’re absolutely correct. On the other, our founding fathers were very clearly A-OK with murder of “tyrants”…

    If the Supreme Court is willing to let women die in hospital parking lots because they don’t like a modern interpretation of the due process clause, and if they’re willing to inexorably beholden us to cultural norms from multiple centuries ago and also allow politicians to systematically eliminate our ability to influence the political process in any meaningful way, then they’ve made very clear themselves that a certain amount of death is inevitable and acceptable. Frankly, it was only a matter of time before desperate citizens followed that train of thought through to its logical conclusion.

  • Yeah that’s the crux of the argument the lawyer is making:

    Timko, a former prosecutor, said Ohio’s abuse-of-corpse statute is vague. It prohibits treating “a human corpse” in a way that would “outrage” reasonable family or community sensibilities. “From a legal perspective, there’s no definition of ‘corpse,’” she said. “Can you be a corpse if you never took a breath?”

    Howard said clarity on what about Watts’ behavior constituted a crime is essential. “For rights of people with the capacity for pregnancy, this is huge,” she said. “Her miscarriage was entirely ordinary. So I just want to know what (the prosecutor) thinks she should have done. If we are going to require people to collect and bring used menstrual products to hospitals so that they can make sure it is indeed a miscarriage, it’s as ridiculous and invasive as it is cruel.”

    She’d already been in and out of the hospital, and so when she got home I’m sure she was so traumatized and confused that she probably thought she just had to release whatever was left and move on. Kinda like what happens in a period. The blood comes out, you flush it and clean up, end of story.

    I would imagine the “proper” protocol would be for the doctor to “perform” the procedure in a hospital and dispose of it the same way they do of all biological waste. There is absolutely no way she would have an intimate knowledge of Ohio’s corpse desecration laws. I buried my cat in the back yard and that was that. She should be afforded the same dignity here, since the fetus died in utero.