I don’t know that there are standards these days. As often as I get shoddy products that then force me to interface with CSR…
I don’t know that there are standards these days. As often as I get shoddy products that then force me to interface with CSR…
I’m not saying right, or wrong, but wouldn’t known battery issues be the domain of the manufacturers? Sincerely strange that there has been no standard set up seeing as his so much of the foundation of the Internet depends on Linux machines. Did no manufacturer consider this? Seriously? Not trying to fight, but if dead battery truly is an issue… Seems odd.
As shoddy as the QC has been lately, I’m sure they have their consumer base to worry about. I bought a gray lift ergo mouse. Left click stopped working properly after about 3 weeks. Bought a cheaper, legit 3-button with a wheel also. Adjustable, rechargeable cordless. Works wonderfully after a month.
Probably because we get cold in some places. We can also make clothes. God forbid the clergy run up on some savages having a fantastic time of it.
Public spaces typically have intended uses. When those spaces aren’t used for what they are intended, something needs to change. When the homeless set up 1000 survival spaces in a public park… the rest of us should suffer because of their bad decisions/luck? Use your energy to make a difference instead of an ineffectual post. Vote in better policy makers.
Gentrification even affects the rich. Welcome to the 1st world and it’s problems.
So. We have been making plastic for something like 75 years now. We have been recycling for about half that. Have the recycling plants ramped up to anywhere near the level of plastic production? What precisely is the point of this?