Eh, the look of horror of the lady next to him does it for me 😆
Eh, the look of horror of the lady next to him does it for me 😆
and yet, if I turn my head the ‘wrong way’ in bed I’m debilitated for days.
Go back to dealing with spez’ trolls
Laugh and change their rep to hostile
Talk to an attorney.
This is an old old fear for me thanks to my dad. Told me the tale that spiders love to home in warm dark moist areas and our mouths are perfect spots to settle overnight if we leave them agape while sleeping. I’m still arachnophobic to the point seeing close up photos of them makes me visibly sweat.
This comic def reminds me of childhood nightmares.
Depends how much it snows and how cold it gets. Much of this may sound over-cautious if your winters are mild.
Most cities/towns have by-laws regulating property owners clear and rock-salt their walkways within a set amount of time after snow has ceased falling,
If you use a shovel, get an ergonomic one. It is very easy to hurt your back clearing snow. No matter how long you wait, the plow always comes AFTER you’ve cleared your driveway,
If you have kids, get into the routine of checking local news for ‘snow days’, or in other words the schools have announced they are closed due to poor road conditions,
Wiper fluid needs to be swapped out for winter fluid or it may freeze in the reservoir,
Get a windshield ice-scraper/brush,
Your vehicle should have a good emergency kit including first aid, a candle/matches, and blanket in case you get stuck in the boonies during a winter storm,
Expect black-ice and snow drifts while driving. Both love to cause you to lose control. Rain freezing on the trees, while absolutely gorgeous, is a sign to take the day off work to avoid driving,
If it gets really cold and/or you’re in an area with high seasonal precipitation you’ll want to have a vehicle that is equipped with a block heater (if it is gas combustion engine ofc), and have an extra set of winter tires (sometimes a legislated requirement too) to change for the season.
No, in the whole sense. It could very easily be interpreted that He gave Baal-rogs what would in modern days be described as a ‘jetpack’. 2 flames jutting out from the rear. Baal-rog is dark-speech for “breaks sound barrier”. We are talking about supernatural creatures that by definition transcend expectations and as such verisimilitude doesn’t apply.
None of them could go 400 mph. That’s just silly
And completely in keeping with every other facet of fantasy if you want to be that way. A Baalrog can go 400mph just as easily as Gandalf could teleport. All it takes is the stroke of a pen.
Okay but why go through the battery interface and not try the old converter cable one? Much easier to splice the cable past the box than try to rig a connection to the underside of the laptop. Would also prevent any ‘no battery’ issues too.
The battery is DC. How do you plan to provide DC to the battery connection from AC outlets without a convertor?
It took how many comments for you to finally say something of substance? That is why this discussion is dead.
FTR lol at citing a news article about recovery programs you dismissed ages ago, and an article dated back to the DSM-IV supposedly in the era of invalid language.
And I’m arguing you’re wrong. I have evidence to support it. You don’t. End of discussion.
Numerous articles define caffeine as addictive as well
Cite one.
Marvin the Martian
You’re arguing semantics. Sealioning to boot. Avoiding using the word ‘addiction’ is does not make it scientifically irrelevant. Numerous articles still use the word addiction in them because it is synonymous with SUD in the literature. Science says caffeine isn’t addicting. Always has no matter what language you try to ignore. Recovery programs say caffeine isn’t addicting, which is why it is served at their meetings. Society says caffeine isn’t addicting otherwise it wouldn’t allow children to consume it. People that have had at least 2nd hand experience with actual addiction think caffeine isn’t addicting because JFC they KNOW better. The only ones that do are the ones that are truly ignorant of the reality. You still haven’t shown anybody who’s opinion is worth listening to that thinks caffeine is addicting and you won’t be able to because they are Karens sitting at a brunch table playfully giggling about their lack of self control over their love for cafe mochas and that is not the level of conversation I am entertaining when someone seriously asks ‘is X addicting?’.
You arguing badly (the DSM matters cause withdrawal is mentioned even though withdrawal is not the definition of addiction, but doesn’t when SUD is. Religion shouldn’t be listened to, but a bunch of ignorant people that agree with you have worthy opinions, etc…) that everything besides your opinion doesn’t matter is a you problem.
You’re right this conversation is over. I hope you never understand what it is actually like to be addicted to something because the life lesson you need to smarten you up about this is honestly too high a price for anyone to pay.
How dare you project your limited idea of what a wizard hat is on Marvin!
Nah, you’re not going to make this ‘well many people think caffeine is addicting, so it is true’. Society as a whole defers to the experts and they say caffeine isn’t addicting. When the term ‘addict’ was used by scientists it didn’t apply to caffeine which is why you can’t find supporting evidence. Society also says they don’t want to expose children to addicting substances yet allows them to consume coffee and tea without issues, so even your idea of ‘muh colloquialism’ is wrong. Being among a select few who believe this delusion does not make you right. It makes you naive. Wilfully so at this point or you are sealioning.
Either way my point is made for people actually concerned about actually getting addicted, by all reasonable definitions of the word, to caffeine. Namely: don’t be.
Statistically you can. Firstly, when you invest you can limit how much that could be lost right off the bat by how you invest and via what amount. For example: BUYing $20k in 2 opposing stocks, split 10k each. Max possible loss? All $20k.
Let’s say the Index goes up 10% which suggests on average that $20k is now $22k, or $11k/stock.
In actuality stock A loses 50% but stock B gains 60%. Had you luckily invest solely in the right stock (B) with all 20k you would have made $12k. Badly (stock A)? Lost $10k. By hedging you dilute max potential gains to mitigate catastrophic loses.