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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • making food into a “marketable shape” so it will encourage your target audience to make an immature purchase. Immature purchases because of the product look (that being of the product your audience does not even consume lol) and not its let’s say more essential properties is not a sign of high intellect per say.

    making food into a shape that suggests certain ways of cooking implies your audience does not know how to cook fucking feta cheese or whatever your product is and that they can’t read whats written on your product’s label / google some recipes.

    fucking genious

    I mean, i’m not vegan, but if i were one i would refrain from bying the ultraprocessed food that made of one thing but trying to visually resemble another. Most of all the ultraprocessed part here is what will push me away of course, especially that afaik some extent of vegans chose to be one because meat is not eco friendly.

  • there’s a lot to optimize in LLMs and i never said otherwise. Though, photonic computers if the field would be researched, could consume as much as an LED lamp making it even more effective than our brain. given the total amount of computers in the world, even the slightest power consumption optimization would save colossal amount of energy, and in case of photonics the raw numbers could possibly be unimagineable.

    Regarding research…

    I bet they simply will find a way to greatly simplify the mathematical apparatus of the neuron interaction. Matrix multiplication is kinda slow and there’s lots of it

  • under the “reinventing computers” i mean chosing another information transfering entity for our processing units. For instance, photonics is a perspective field, as photons are much smaller, thus potentially we could make even smaller logical elements also as they produce much less heat.

    What’s about ML architechture, of course it won’t be the tech bros, of course it would be scientists, but don’t forget that untill someone sponsors them, the research could take literal decades before there will be discovered anything revolutional. Scientists are not some kind of gurus who live in moutains and fed by the energy of the sun. In order to make a living they have jobs besides scientific research. That’s why grants and other research funding methods do exist. And as you could’ve guessed, these are greatly dependant on guys with money and their interest in said researchi.

  • I’ve already thought that in terms of major progression AI has peaked as early as in 2022 when chatgpt and various diffusers were all hyped up. It was kinda obvious, since our silicon tech is already basically maxed out. There are lots of potential optimizations, but they are minor advancements compared to the raw compute power growth we’ve had till the near past. And in order to make the next revolution in the AI field, those moneybags will have to spend the colossal amount of money to basically reinvent either computers themselves or the ML architechture.

  • Physical training literally cures methabolic disorders, except the genetic ones of course, good thing they are extremely rare. Vast majority of them are behavioral.

    Moreover, I wasn’t judgemetall of obesity before I had met few people with weight problems. One of them even had problems with legs because of that. You know what he did about that? Right, not a damn thing, hasn’t even tried. Instead of that he chose only to complain about his poor legs all the time. He never tried to see a doctor, never tried to train. The more you defend this people, the more of them there will be. And of course every one of them claims that they have bad genes or something, except they self-diagnosed it to themselves, because its easier that way. Its always easier to do nothig but to pity yourself, and to look for other people to pity you.

  • CheesyFox@lemmy.sdf.orgtoBikini Bottom Twitter@lemmy.worldis this true
    3 months ago

    there are degrees, and i never said otherwise. What i ment by “anthropomorphic equvalent of a truck” is exactly what you described - pathological consumers with a very unhealthy diet. I guess i have chosen my words poorly, therefore made my thought unclear. There are lots of fat people that are quite strong, and this is ok to me, as i said.

    The part about physical activity wasn’t exactly about fat people though, rather about our modern society in general. A healthy diet with the correct balance, and moderate physical activity makes wonders, not simply in terms of weight. Those two things are grately underestimated. Those things were underestimated by me. After i started to be more physically active, my thoughts got clearer and i became much happier in general. And yeah, the best gym is a part-time job in a field, if you ask me. Actual gym sucks compared to it.