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Joined 8 days ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2024


  • Lmmfao…

    The USA was founded on genocide and built on slavery, and has never treated either of the groups they owe their exitance to with anything but disdain and abuse, never mind other groups like LGBTQIA+, disabled people, those who aren’t white or Christian, women, and so on and so on…

    Members of all of those groups are not only generally paid less, criminalised more, given less access to services and opportunities, but are openly abused by both establishment and society.

    But for you to specifically use trans people as an example, in this climate, where they have been the direct target of bigoted and violent abuse really is infuriating, and I have a feeling you’re more of a self designated “ally” than an actual one, since you’re clearly not even aware of what trans people are having to deal with.

    The fact that you find the idea of American not being inclusive surprising only proves your wilful ignorance, not the presence of any real inclusion in the USA.

  • The media is pushing the narrative that Labour is on the left of politics as a way to fear monger and ensure his failures will be seen as failures of left wing policies, and shift the Overton window further to the right as a result, but they haven’t even been in the centre, but rather completely past it and in to mild right wing since Starmer took over and purged all the actually left leaning members from the party, and made it clear that he has zero class, or any other conscious.

    His entire career in opposition has been proof that he’s nothing but a Tory in a red tie, since he didn’t oppose them on anything of any substance, and his entire election campaign was cantered on benefitting businesses, not the people of the country.

    He’s gone against unions, he’s neglected health and social services, he’s ignored disabled people, he’s mocked the fight against racism, he’s made it clear over and over and over again that he’s in politics to serve the establishment, and his own career, not the country or the working class people who carry it on our backs.

    So like, yay, Tories are out, but actually, we just have more of the same, only this time the veil is thicker and there is a pretence of progressiveness, that is only going to lull liberals in to a false sense of security, and push centre and right winged voters even further to the right, and leftism remains unrepresented in our parliament, because it’s too big a threat to the establishment (why Starmer was brought in in the first place - damage control after Corbyn).

  • I have faith in some kind of course correction,

    Then neither you, nor Michael Eisner are paying attention (though LMFAO at you bringing a former Disney exec, not even a creative but a business man, as representation of someone who gives a shit about cinema. That’s like quoting Musk on environmental issues. Hint: People like that absolutely have been paying attention, things are going great for them, they just can’t not lie to make themselves feel important, and to make their shareholders, and people like you, believe in some white/greenwashed fairy tale they spin for you while they continue exploiting people and destroying industries out of sheer greed for money and power).

    Also, the idea that if the big corporate propaganda machines fail, cinema fails, just goes to prove how well said propaganda works.

  • DessertStorms@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mlMood
    7 days ago

    I’m glad you’re finding the info helpful and insightful.

    I think with regards to use of language, this is another good read (E: also the understanding-disability link I attached earlier will will probably help with the “why” behind thinking “disabled” is a slur). It might be coming at this from a slightly different angle, but I think the point still stands - “politeness”, “offence”, “political correctness” these are terms most often used by the privileged to police the speech of and control marginalised people (aka “respectability politics”), rather than the other way around, but I might be digressing a little at this point lol…

  • That’s the fucking point - there is nothing disrespectful about the word disabled, while there definitely is a lot of disrespect in using bullshit euphemisms like the one you used. The fact that you’re arguing back rather than listen and try to do better proves that you don’t care about respecting disabled people at all, but only about making yourself comfortable.

    Feel free to read the links I shared with the person bellow if you actually want to start showing respect to disabled people. Either way, I’m done here.