A buddhist vegan goth with questionable humour.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • How many predators can take down prey 50 times their size?

    Ants and a couple of Insects I guess. Also Bacteria and Viruses.

    How many species can thrive in tundra, jungles, plains, forests, mountains and deserts?

    Well, obviously also most Bacteria. If we are speaking more sentient live then the answer is: mot of them. Birds, Mammals, Insects. It might take a generation or 10 to get them adopted to their new envirment, but almost every species. Is able to adopt to their evolutoany niche.

    How many species can be found on every continent?

    Most of them?

    How many species figured out how to fly despite never developing wings?

    Technology. Yes, that’s a human thing at last, at least at the level we use it.

    How many species developed hundreds of distinct methods of communication

    Various species have methods of communicating, from bees dancing to each other to whales having distinct regional dialects. Yes, humans have added some complexity to it by introducing technology, but that’s realy what it comes down to. Technology.

    How many species have been to the moon?

    Technology, once more.

    So your point is that humans have learned to use technology, therefor they are badass.

    I disagree. We are living in an absolut singularity tight now. Humans have learned to use finate resources (oil for example) to amplify the energy that we have at our hands. A single humans beeing today can use energy that would be equal to thousands of men’s work every day.

    Since we are drawing on finate resources there are two ways how this will go: we will learn to exploit other, less finate sources of energy (say, fusion) and the groth path will continue (to the stars, eventually). Or we will run out of energy or ruin the livable world by doing so and will fall back to an earlier level of development. Since most of the resources needed are used up we will not be able clime back up. At this moment we are on the second of those paths.

    And in our way in getting here we have started the sixt mass extinction, accidentaly started turning the climate into something less sustainable for humans and polluted every single space on this planet, including areas like the deep ocean that we have never even touched physically.

    Humans are not badass, in my opinion. We are fucking cancer.

  • Gloomy@mander.xyzto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    1 month ago

    No, the person is right. It’s realy fucked up to eat and kill another sentient beeing to feed yourself, if your could just as easy not do so.

    So you think grass and cows are comparable here? I’d be careful to judge others people’s intelligence if I where you.

  • I am not very well read in political theory, but I would agree with the idea that capitalism HAS to end in crisis because exponancial groth just can’t be sustained.

    I would further point out that, to my limited knowledge, capitalism is a (or even the) root cause of the current climate crisis (altough things like humans inability to solve long term problems, as well as other factors come into play too. After all, things like the ozon hole have been solved even under a capitalist system).

  • I don’t know about other nations. In Germany we have had the Conservative Party ruling for 16 years as a right leaning Party, 4 years of a left party that implemented right wing neo fashist ideas, followed by another 16 years of conservative rule with more centeristic than right wing rule (the political void in the right was filled by the AFD, which has become a true fashist party in the last 10 years). The only “left” government we ever had in the last 36 years has been in the last 2, and they are heavily restricted by beeing in a coalition with a neo liberal right wing party.

    So, at least for Germany, this just doesn’t hold true.

  • The Netherlands will very likely have a right wing government and will be heading down the same path. Same with Italy, Sweden, Denmark.

    With the next European election this year the right wing parties in the European Parliament will gain a lot of traction.

    We could be heading down the American path and lose a lot or the progress we made over the last 2 decades.

    I will be a father in a couple or hours. Between the right taking to power and accelerating climate change i am just so fucking worried in what kind of world my kids will grow up.

  • Gloomy@mander.xyztomemes@lemmy.worldTell me what it means
    4 months ago

    It realy is.

    I see this kind of realy devastating change in many areas in nature. There used to be frogs in our garden when I grew up, I would listen to them every evening right outside my bedroom window. Now they are gone.

    I see it in the Forests, where huge swats of trees have died over the last couple of years. There are areas in our forests now, that look like war zones, because drouth followed by to much rain in combination with invasive bugs have killed or weakens them so much.

    Going back another generation, my brother, who is 16 years older, told be about field hamsters who where so plentyfull in the fields, that the local kids would earn money by hunting them and turning their corpses in for money in the village center. In the 16 years between my bother and me the European field hamster has, consequently, gone almost extinct. I never have seen one in my life.

    And while all this is by its nature very anecdotal, these are areas where climate change and the way we treat nature as something alien realy feels close to me. And to be honest: It fucking scares me.

  • This.

    I tried Fark-It-All and it legit helped me reduce my stress level a lot. After Amazon drove up its Ads I felt I realy couldn’t take it any more. And since there is literally nothing you can do about ads, neither on reddit nor on Amazon, I looked for other options. And what can I say? Taking some Fark-It-All brings the fun back into funding, hypercapitalist corpations trough engaging with Ads. I highly recommend Fark-It-All, even if you just feel like you could potentialy be stressed out a bit by Ads. I’ve heard a lot of realy positive feedback on taking it preventative.

    No /s, it realy is the shit. Just try it out and see for yourself.