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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Scientist are stupid removed because they’re liars, Sometimes. Gravity is a complete scam! Ask a scientist, any scientist to explain gravity to you. They can’t. Newton thought he could, but then Einstein came and proved he was a liar and a little removed. Einstein thought he could, but then some other scientist proved he was a liar and a removed. So how do we know they’re all not lieing removed. /S

  • While I do agree that it, at times, definitely stepped into ‘dumb femminism’ as you put it. I also acknowledge that it was a movie and to do a discussion on feminism justice it would require a lot more than 2 hours. So a lot got simplified, sometimes too much. I disagree with you that it was a constant attack towards men. The movie went wayyyyy out of its way to make it clear they were attacking patriarchal systems, not men in general. That’s Ken’s whole arc, he’s suffering under patriarchy too. He just also gets the benefits of the patruarchy while he’s suffering. If I had any criticism about the film it was how much it tried to avoid criticizing capitalism and corporate culture’s role.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlthe debt
    23 days ago

    I’m not a financial expert, so someone who is please step in and correct anything that I say is wrong. I need to learn too.

    It’s because the government’s debt is also a surplus. Government debt isn’t like personal debt because the government debt is mostly through selling bonds that the government issues. Most of that debt is owned by American citizens, in one way or another, who buy those bonds. Most of that $34 trillion is money the government owes it’s people, or at least the Americans who hold those bonds.

    It’s not really money you owe but it’s money that is owed to you. Well actually the billionaire class who can actually afford to buy these bonds but hey, that’s Capitalism baby.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlI feel so old
    25 days ago

    Playing our hidden games on the school’s network. Good times. Back then if you knew a few lines of code you could give your session administrator privileges. That was when internet security existed because so few people knew how to use a computer, let alone a local network or the internet. An entire computer lab playing against another entire computer lab in whatever those games were called. The most popular was light cycles, an open source Tron clone.

  • I’ve thought about this for a while to be sure I’m not just being reactive. I wouldn’t ask you to stop, in fact I encourage you to post more. I can’t find the time to write such well written replies. Your post is the type of content I like to see and I’m sure others do too.

    I’m giving you an unsolicited critique of your comments. If you intend to communicate with laymen about scientific concepts from my experience you’re going to have a lot more success approaching it as if you’re a supportive teacher rather than trying to prove someone wrong. If you try to be more like Ms. Frizzle than Sheldon Cooper you might reach more people, which is the ultimate goal of communicating science to laymen.

    You are actually very good at it, and I encourage you to practice and find what works and what doesn’t. Proving someone wrong just makes them defensive, teaching someone or communicating with the public shouldn’t make them feel the need to be defensive.

  • This is going to barely scratch the surface but, historically when economies contract people die but the rich get richer.

    When top-down agricultural economies contract (negative inflation) that means there is less food around this year than last year. If that happens enough times there’s a famine, but it’s not those rich in food stores that will suffer the most. It’s those with the least food because they’ll run out first.

    When top-down capital economies contract (negative inflation) there is less capital around this year that last year. If that happens enough times there’s a recession/depression, but it’s not those rich in capital that will suffer the most. It’s those with the least capital because they’ll run out first.

    In either case the problem in my opinion at least isn’t that the economy contracts, but that those are the top don’t share their wealth because those in the middle are so afraid to lose theirs they’re not willing to take it from the rich. That’s because the middle doesn’t realize how far away the rich actually are from them and they’re worried that if someone goes for the rich and powerful then someone will also come for the mediocre money too.