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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I hate tipping culture so much. But I always tip on food service, even take out that I pick up. I’m not going to punish restaurant workers for our messed up system which pays them substandard “wages”. During covid crisis I raised my tipping $ a bit, and haven’t gone back down. Before covid I also tipped 10% on take out. Because I wanted my favorite restaurants to stay in business, I started tipping 20% for take out.

  • “respect my trans homies, or I’ll identify as a fucking problem”

    LOL I LOVE this!! Maybe you could change it to “respect my trans homies, or I’ll identify as a ducking problem” or “pucking froblem”.

    As a 70 year old lesbian, one thing I’ve long believed and believe now more than ever is that the most radical thing anyone in the queer community has ever done is simply come out in their daily life. Then live their life as an out person, whatever they are out as, and to the greatest extent possible. So to you, thank you for coming out as an ally, and I hope you do so loudly and daily. It can take courage.

    Queer is a great umbrella term, but it still originates fairly recently as a hated slur, which suggests queer people have more right to use it than not-so-queers. Thirty five years ago I was friends with a lesbian couple in their 60s who HATED the term dyke, and were highly perturbed when I joyfully embraced being a dyke, because “dyke” had been such a horrible slur when they were young. But now my generation was reclaiming the term.

  • Shifts power source to the grid. Grid can use different sources for energy production.

    Such an excellent point, which I hadn’t seen mentioned before. It means we can have more control over those sources. Thank you.

    with hand crank windows

    I want hand crank windows back anyway. Faster and more reliable. So frustrating when the “auto complete” aspect of modern car windows means I cannot easily get the window half way closed or only a crack open. But I must be in the minority on that.

  • Your English is mostly perfect, but (and as someone who tries, like you, to speak another language correctly):

    Could it be that not only these platforms are harmful in mental health and privacy but also physical health?

    should be

    Could it be that not only are these platforms harmful in mental health and privacy but also physical health?

    The change in location of the word are is what makes it a grammatically correct question rather than a statement.

    To me, I think the primary harm to our physical health IS the impact on our mental health, which is a physical health. To say nothing of neglecting our physical bodies by being so sedentary.

  • Anyone remotely blaming me for making others sick does not know me. I took the covid vaccine the second time it came to my area, which was just a month after the first round and when it was still only being given to “high risk” people like me. I certainly don’t think it keeps you from catching it entirely, any more than the flu vaccine does. But I’m wholly convinced it reduces severity. And like flu vaccines, it appears to my non-scientific observations that, as covid evolves, the vaccines may not always “catch” each iteration of covid perfectly well. People I know are, again, getting sicker when they get covid. And yeah I absolutely believe in N95 masks worn properly; despite having a job where I’m in close face-to-face quarters with my customers I’ve not had covid (to my knowledge).

    The fact that I don’t embrace change the first time it shows its face probably has more to do with being 70 years old. If what I’m doing now already works well, I’m in no hurry for change unless it’s helpful.