Android Dev, Gamer, Dad
I can’t argue they don’t overcharge for plastic, I haven’t bought any of GWs in 20 years. I have enjoyed their freemium mobile games:
HumbleBundle got me their ebooks and audio books for dirt cheap.
I found this list:
But no evidence of significant usage of 3rd part ios app stores yet.
Makes sense. It is an oft discussed trend though. There are large unmoderated 40k FB groups they are very focused on anti trans activism and Trump worship, and smaller GB groups that are, worse.
There are also plenty of fine groups, or at least groups that put miniature photos firsts.
YouTube is similarly split between creepy Black Templar afficionados and channels more like my recent fav Shining Nathan
40k Brunch Gossip Episode 1 #warhammer40k
But you didn’t hear it from me.
How has that worked out? I have been curious how much Apples security depended on owning the only allowed app store.
May the machine god guide you to better understanding and watch over the functioning of your machine.
Too late, I looked it up
“Affinity groups engaged in political activism date to 19th century Spain. It was a favourite way of organization by Spanish anarchists (grupos de afinidad), and had their base in the tertulias or in the local groups.”
It’s not the best wikipedia page I have skimmed.
Asymptotically Correct (Wrong in this instance)
Luetin’s lore got me back into the game:
DARK BEGINNINGS Necrons, Old Ones & Eldar | WARHAMMER 40,000 Lore / History