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Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • Old “your momma” joke… Your momma so fat when she sits around the house, she sits “around” the house! Meaning that she’s as big as the whole house or even bigger than the house.

    Which someone that fat is morbidly obese.

    So the joke is a twist on the joke, with a jab at the fat person, in the form of faux concern over their health.

    Sort of in the same vein as “bless your heart” or “he/she has a great personality”.

  • Sounds like the “undercover spy gear” that was popular for a while. I think there was a cigarette case that folded open and became a gun and, of course, the ink pen telescope plus the ink pen with disappearing ink! And several others as well. It was weird… we all played outside using our imagination to create fabulous worlds in the same backyard that was a grand prix track yesterday and an undersea exploration spot the day before that. A stick was a horse one minute, a cane the next, a rifle after that , and a baseball bat… hitting home runs with the bases loaded, winning the world series. Those black walnuts would sail when you made good contact!

    Look… ok… it’s right there in my name…old. LOL

  • It’s high time we take control of all these wild oaks out there. Every single one has thousands of acorns any any one of those might have YOUR name on it.

    We need action NOW!

    We need immediate Oak controls laws. And I damn sure don’t want to hear any of that stale old BS “my oak hasn’t ever harmed anyone”…

    Oaks have no place in polite society. End of discussion. Get educated!

    BTW that’s all satire. I love oaks. Actually my first knothole was an oak. I love oaks.

  • The Star Trek utopia WOULD be fantastic… everyone does what they are good at / enjoy, and their basic human needs are met. The people with some issue that can be corrected thru technology, such as a visor to correct blindness, can perform equally well if not better and can contribute to society. The downfall will be the people who just absolutely cannot contribute in any way still have their basic needs met. I’m not saying that they shouldn’t… but the general idea that “they don’t contribute so why should I have to contribute” WILL be there for some to use as an excuse to try to game the system to get something for nothing. Then someone that is contributing, doing what they are good at / enjoy, looks up one day and realizes that where they used to only “have to work 10 hours a week” they now have to work 20 hours a week to continue to support the incapable, which is good, but also to support the lazy “if he doesn’t then why should I” group, which is not good… then even more people jump on the if it’s free it’s for me train. Then before you know it you have one person working 60 plus hours a week, instead of 10, to have their basic needs met while supporting 4 others that refuse to contribute AND the one that really is incapable of contributions. And when that one person expects greater compensation for their workload or just naturally acquires greater compensation thru hard work they are demonized for their greed and wealth accumulated from their hard work. Meanwhile more people line up with their soft hands out for more free stuff. IF everyone pulled equally to the best of their ability that would be great… but they won’t. There will always be people who work harder to get more. There will always be people who work less and expect the same as the one working hard. There will always be people who won’t work at all and still expect someone else to supply them with their basic needs plus a McMansion, new car, cell phone, and and and… Meanwhile there are people, who thru no fault of their own cannot contribute, struggling to have their needs met because there are so many freeloaders in the system that available resources are stretched too thin. . .

    Maybe if everyone would do their part and work to the best of their ability doing what they are good at / enjoy to have their basic needs met…

  • Try being a Cannabis plant in a grow box… forced into a grueling schedule of feeding and photosynthesis under lights so bright they could actually be on the surface of the sun. Forced to vegetate and create more leaf surface to photosynthesize even more while bathing in a constant flow of CO2. Only to have your reproductive organs chopped off and burnt. It’s not all fun and games if you’re Mary Jane…

  • I really didn’t want to but I’ve had run ins with that HP 5200 in the past and Betty is still covered in toner stains from when he/it dusted her. She was gently cleaning his roller when he suddenly exploded all over her face and hair. Milky white skin, blonde hair, both hands… totally covered in hot black toner… literally forced her to face clients the rest of the day covered in his letter batter. Sorry, not sorry.