I started using it regularly after many previous failed attempts when Twitter died. Same for Pinterest oddly. I use them for similar but distinct things.
Ramenjunkie@retro.pizza (Masto) | bloggingintensifies.com (Blog)
I started using it regularly after many previous failed attempts when Twitter died. Same for Pinterest oddly. I use them for similar but distinct things.
I don’t mind OneDrive sync, I like it honestly.
What I absolutely do not want, is my Desktop on One Drive. For starters, its often a scratch place. I don’t want it instantly pushing 6GB of photos I just pulled off my camera’s memory card to the cloud before I can sorr them.
I have my files meticulously organized in hierarchical folders that sync across all my devices through One Drive and to my NAS through One Drive.
I hate that Microsoft wants to dump everything in Documents.
Also, for SOME FUCKING REASON, my work system, wants to put everything into the root of One Drive. Like fuck please put it in Documents at least. I don’t want ANYTHING in the root folder if I can avoid it, aside from maybe the occasional super special thing.
I was told once there was an MBA program offered through work and I could think was something like, “Why would I want a degree in bull shit when I already have a useful degree?” (Mechanical Engineering)
Yes, my PR Specialist told me so it has to be true.
With what shall I fix it, dear Liza, dear Liza?
Yes, that’s the idea. I am “virtuous” and want to signal that you are bing “unvirtuois.”
They added some pretty cool daily puzzle games last year. I have been using it for those, and only those. I really dif the Queens game, I couldn’t find a version of it to play elsewhere.