Joke’s on you I only own a bike 🚲
Sustainability and decentralised social media enthusiast 🇮🇪🏴
Joke’s on you I only own a bike 🚲
I think we’re coming at this from different angles - I’m criticizing the response a lot of people have when electric vehicles are brought up, which is “they’re bad don’t buy them” and usually backed up with a belief that public transport is the solution. The obvious rebuttal in my opinion is that that doesn’t work for every area where cars/vehicles are needed, and it’s still worthwhile investing in and celebrating the transition of these existing systems. I 100% agree that car density in urban populations is a huge problem and I hate how much cars dominate our lives.
If you were doing nothing you’d probably feel less fulfilled
At least you’re doing your part
I also want to say our usernames are very apt for this debate
Explain how the meme excludes rural areas, because it seems pretty general and not city-specific to me.
Are you trying to argue that rural populations are not included in the full set of populations who use cars? Of course you’re not, because that would be silly.
“Right wing propaganda” - what a ridiculous claim to make
As with a lot of my responses here, you’re only responding within the context of cities, and even more narrowly you’re referring to downtown/commercial/recreational areas that need to be walkable.
You’re right to say we should have more walkable cities, however it’s not a valid argument against electrifying vehicles.
Yeah, so in the context of cars, a small step in the right direction is the introduction of electric cars to replace ICE cars. It’s a feasible and available step. I’m not hearing any other currently feasible ideas, and saying “just use public transport/bikes” is not a solution for every human who currently has a car.
All avenues are important. Effort needs to be put into what you stated, but effort also needs to be put into helping people who are living month to month make the small changes that they are able to. Not everyone is in a privileged position of being able to upend their entire world without life changing consequences.
Exactly, well said chad 💪
Hell yeah they are, thank you chad
And how is it right wing propaganda if I’ve pointed out a reality? Public transport is not available or viable for all rural communities. Propaganda?
You didn’t state that in your response though, right? Your response was general.
And what about all the power needed to manage those systems and networks? Should we just go back to hunting and gathering?
How do you propose to solve these issues? Find a new job for everyone that can be done at a computer? Bring down multinational corporations?
Or make the situation slightly better by removing those daily emissions?
Daddy musk says I haven’t hit my mileage quota for the day
'Member those trolly tracks that served all the rural communities in the world until they were ripped up? Hey I 'member!
The climate is going to suffer, there’s no doubt about that. When that happens, obviously humans will try to fix it. Why be a doomer now when you could start fixing what you can?
You could broaden the scope of what you believe you “can” do
I also fantasise about this lol