Matches with the reply, given the currently available technology
Matches with the reply, given the currently available technology
Same here, in fact I didn’t know it was another one of those Linux-adjacent topics.
Have sexual intercourse with the HDMI Forum and the HDMI spec.
I remember listening to a rant from the WAN Show about it, so this seems to be the case, more or less.
I’ve also heard that FreeSync does work with DisplayPort.
There are some reposting bot, Lemmit comes to mind
No thanks, I’ll stick with the orIginal UI
Didn’t work well for me, I just use a URL replacer extension that also replaces reddit URLs with my local RedLib
“Best you can do”? Nah mate, give me the worst
Would you like to engage in a polite and collected conversation about the YouTube Shorts UI?
I’m glad this misunderstanding about an error in HD came to a resolution
Of course Microsoft has to come out with this THE ONE TIME they’re not to blame for broken software…
Who among us
I swear I heard my PC wake up in the middle of the night on its own several times, back when I used to run W10 on bare metal - god knows what it was doing
Windows does both
Nah, I’m refering to socially engineering scam ads like the classic “ATTENTION! your Windows has error, click here to fix it.”
of which 85% got the uBlock Origin treatment and 4% contain my current public-facing IPv4 address
Followed by disappointment because I’m a disappointment
I remember trying to push the limits with a Windows 10 VM, and 2GB was the bare minimum;
however, Windows loves to abuse virtual memory (basically using the main storage drive instead of RAM) and if that drive is a HDD the PC is little more than an IoT space heater.
A relative of mine has a Windows 10 PC with 4GB of memory and it takes ~ 5 minutes to start Chrome after booting it up; it does have a lot of miscellaneous bloatware on it, though.