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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I think, probably…spending many hours over a few weeks helping people experience and love Journey after I got my White Robe. Twirling around on the sand dunes, exploring strange places, avoiding danger, and finally seeing them pass through that mountain.

    For me every time someone stuck it out added to the memories and I hope each of them remembers that chirpy white robed player who made the game just a little more fun.

  • I treat AI the same way I’ve always treated Google: WITH ABSOLUTE DISDAIN Using them as a shove in the right direction and for research purposes to supplement research already being done. ChatGPT for instance is actually pretty decent at figuring out vaguely defined things if worked through. Is it perfect? Hell no. It can help narrow down the options though.

  • Hey! So, I’ll go into more detail once I have a strong enough connection to watch the videos smoothly. For now some general advice that is often missed by new game devs:

    1. Make your game fun. Not just fun to you; fun to others too. Even if that means taking a step back and looking at a mechanic you personally enjoy from a very objective perspective.

    2. Make sure the game runs well. Limit the jittering and framerate hiccups. Give flexibility to controls. Let people change them. Provide all the options.

    3. Drip feed mechanics into the gameplay in a natural way BUT make sure everything is technically unlocked immediately. This opens up more replayability without the opening slog some games force people to sit through.

    4. Finally, ask for help and take criticism seriously. None of us are shitting on something you have put tremendous work into. We want the experience to be awesome. As much for you as for us.

    Bonus: If you can, try and release your game on Steam between other releases in the same, or in adjacent, genres. Also consider reaching out to streamers that have shown they are willing to give factual and fair critiques, reviews, and chances for a game.

    I have been considering creating a game for some time and these are the rules I would follow. Fun factor and playability absolutely stomp on everything else. A fun, playable, easy to get into experience will sell itself. From there it’s just a matter of holding onto the hype long enough to make all that effort so very much worth it.

  • Dude, stop getting defensive. Most people aren’t trying to directly belittle you, they’re offering suggestions. It’s okay to take them at pace, my dude. You are allowed to say “I wasn’t able to pick it up due to some long term complications. Man though, dat price. Woo.”

    Some serious and not serious suggestions: You could call to order and pay over the phone and then request someone bring it out and place it in the trunk. You could put a couple masks on which will filter a decent portion of the smell. Walk backwards into the wind while carrying it. If your daughter is old enough and you trust her, perhaps she could have gotten it.

    There are options. You posted this to point out and complain about the pricing, then get defensive when others point out how to make it cheaper. Most of us are reasonably sure you didn’t apply a coupon, for instance. Did you consider calling and asking if they could wrap the box in plastic wrap to mostly eliminate the smell, and apologize while explaining why? All we got is “Pizza smell too strong. Daughter picky. So pricy.” We get you have an issue and that is shitty though like of course people will offer ways to deal.

    That said, I am sorry you’re going through a difficult time. It’s clear we aren’t aware of everything you’ve had to give up. I hope it gets better.