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Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Fuck, senior year I had a free period at the end of my day so I would walk home early. Come April and high 80s with humidity, I’m losing weight and the heavy ass backpack is making me stronger. One of my classmates, we have lots of classes together, pulls over and offers me a ride home. Several times a week. I’m too shy to do small talk and she’s out of my league. Always thank her and start paying her 5 dollars for gas money.

    20 years later, I’m in the restroom avoiding the damn kids for 5 minutes and realize… Many such cases.

  • This old chestnut. Yes legally anyone can have sex with an 18 year old, but are you choosing 18 to cover yourself legally? What about countries where it’s younger? Is that still not morally wrong? What about going to a poor country, flash some cash, and date a 16 yr old with the implied understanding they will be given money/ taken care of? I’m old enough to realize I didn’t no shit about fuck at 18. I know enough right now to kinda understand things. I’m sure my 70yr of neighbor would laugh at me if they heard me say that. People’s brains stop growing at 25. Have you ever seen those early 20s losers that purposely go after high schoolers because they can’t have a relationship with someone their age? They groom them and tell them what they want to hear. You’re beautiful, we understand each other so well, I love you, oh they’re just jealous of what we got, don’t listen to them you’re very mature for your age, etc. Kids are desperate to fit in and be accepted. If you add low self esteem, it’s a situation ripe for abuse, coercion, etc. There’s also a power dynamic. Think Dicaprio and his early 20s gfs that he automatically dumps at 25. There’s a lot more, but I’m not writing a dissertation. It’s legal to mess around with 18 yr olds, but everyone will def judge you and anyone looking out for them will tell them it’s sus af and to be careful