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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • Yeah, timestamps should always be stored in UTC, but actual planning of anything needs to be conscious of local time zones, including daylight savings. Coming up with a description of when a place is open in local time might be simple when described in local time but clunkier in UTC when accounting for daylight savings, local holidays, etc.

  • Self deprecation comes off wrong when it seems like the thing you’re criticizing is actually important, and that you actually believe it.

    So it’s funny when the audience knows you don’t believe it’s important, either because everyone agrees it’s not important (“I can’t sing on tune to save my life”) or if it’s a particular example that doesn’t matter (“I’m such a bad mom because [something inconsequential]),” or if it’s a topic that people can see isn’t important to you (jokes about being socially awkward, bad at your job, etc.).

    If you’re in one of those lanes, you can go pretty hard on yourself before it seems to go too far.

  • They did, eventually. The first PlayStation was relatively easy to pirate for (with a mod chip), but it took a while for that stuff to become available. Someone had to go and manufacture the chips, or reverse engineer the check.

    By the time that scene matured, Sega released the Dreamcast right into a more sophisticated piracy scene that could apply lessons learned to the Dreamcast right away.

    On paper, Sega had more sophisticated copy protection than the first PlayStation did. But it also released 4 years later.

  • you could go to your local library and carry a USB stick.

    I don’t remember it this way. Nothing else came close to the portable storage capacity of CD (and thus CD-R and CD-RW). The iomega zip drive was still a popular medium, allowing rewritable 100mb or 250mb cartridge. That was the preferred way to get big files to and from a computer lab when I was an engineering student in 2000.

    USB flash drives had just been released in 2000, and their capacity was measured in like 8/16/32mb, nowhere near enough to meaningfully move CD images.

    Then again, as a college student with on-campus broadband on the completely unregulated internet (back when HTTP and the WWW weren’t necessarily considered the most important protocols on the internet), it was all about shared FTP logins PMed over IRC to download illegal shit. The good stuff never touched an actual website.

  • Wasteful of what, though?

    If a particular farm can produce 1000 kg of meat and 500kg of bones/other waste in a year by raising female meat chickens, would it be a waste to devote that farm to raising 500 kg of meat and 400 kg of bones from male egg chickens? In a sense, that’s a waste of the farm to produce half as much meat as it can produce through killing chicks.

    It’s a philosophical difference on what weight to assign to the lives of chicks, adult chickens, other resources including human labor, etc. The lazy shortcut is to maximize return on dollar investment with no regard for any of those moral, ethical, and philosophical considerations, and that’s what most of the industry does today, but even if you shift to a new moral framework you’ll need to decide how to weight those things.

  • Dual purpose breeds for both egg laying and meat production are poorly optimized at either. So the industry has moved onto specialized breeds that are best at doing one of them.

    Plus raising roosters together is much more logistically challenging than raising hens. So they’d need much more space and much more oversight/labor. So rather than devote some resources to raising males of breeds that are good for laying eggs, they’d rather devote those same resources to raising much more meat from females of meat breeds.

  • Motorola Solutions is a dominant radio manufacturer in the government/first responder space, as well as major infrastructure providers. Yes, that means cops, but it also means firefighters, ambulances, trains, buses, airports, and any fleet of mobile service for mission critical stuff like electric utilities, telecom, and some aviation uses. Back in the day of trunk radio, it used to be common for taxis, too.

    Motorola sold its consumer mobile businesses (cell phones) in 2011 in a spinoff as “Motorola Mobility,” around the time it was shutting down and selling off pieces of its space/satellite businesses, but kept most of its other businesses. Today’s Motorola Solutions is the legal successor to the Motorola that invented the cell phone.

  • I’d say the real world doesn’t reward being actually gifted.

    More accurately, the real world punishes being below average at any one of like a dozen skillets. You can’t min/max your stats because being 99th percentile at something won’t make up for being 30th percentile at something else. Better to be 75th percentile at both.

    The real world requires cross-disciplinary coordination, which means thriving requires both soft skills and multiple hard skills.

  • not meant to be consistent with the human eye.

    Even then, postprocessing is inevitable.

    As the white/gold versus blue/black dress debate showed, our perception of color is heavily influenced by context, and is more than just a simple algorithm of which rods and cone cells were activated while viewing an image.

  • Yeah, plenty of Gen Z memes still make me laugh. They’re just in different forms, including some video “templates” where you just slap some captions on characters in the same scene:

    • Starship troopers “I’m doing my part” montage interrupted with Tim Robinson “I didn’t do shit!”
    • Diary of a Wimpy Kid scene with kids auditioning from by singing Total Eclipse of the Heart, giving way to some kid who’s actually good.

    Are they really that different from some high quality gifs or deep fried memes from the late 2010’s, advice animals from the early 2010’s, demotivational posters or absurd flash animations from the 2000’s, or joke websites from the 90’s?

    People will always be funny, and some internet jokes will start fresh before being run into the ground. Remember the ones you like, and then forget the ones you don’t.

  • The typical default configuration has the ISP providing DNS services (and even if you use an external DNS provider, the default configuration there is that the DNS traffic itself isn’t encrypted from the ISP’s ability to analyze).

    So even if you visit a site that is hosted on some big service, where the IP address might not reveal what you’re looking at (like visiting a site hosted or cached by Cloudflare or AWS), the DNS lookup might at least reveal the domain you’re visiting.

    Still, the domain itself doesn’t reveal the URL that follows the domain.

    So if you do a Google search for “weird sexual fetishes,” that might cause you to visit the URL:


    Your ISP can see that you visited the www.google.com domain, but can’t see what search you actually performed.

    There are different tricks and tips for keeping certain things private from certain observers, so splitting up the actual ISP from the DNS resolver from the website itself might be helpful and scattering pieces of information, but some of those pieces of information will inevitably have to be shared with someone.

  • Almonds are a stone fruit, too. It’s just that the part we eat is inside the pit. Ever notice how almonds still in the shell kinda look like a peach pit?

    Peaches and plums used to be cherry sized, too (and cherries are stone fruits as well, but selective breeding got the fruit-to-pit ratio better for peaches/plums/apricots/nectarines).

    So some recipes call for processing cherry pits, and the flavor is pretty close to almond extract. Because almond extract is just bitter almonds processed in a similar way.