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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I can agree it’s a little bit racist and wrong to tell the story using that sort of slur, and honestly I kind of think likely the entire story is very racist due to being fake and made up to get a laugh at the expense of Indian people, but if it’s real it seems worse to be knowingly bringing harassment down on your coworkers by intentionally antagonizing people for a laugh when you’re supposed to be doing your job, I think that probably does more actual harm.

  • It seemed mostly straightforward to me but maybe I didn’t get it? It’s a bunch of stories through time following the decay and collapse of human civilization that mostly have a “slavery and dehumanization is bad but there’s hope because the human spirit” sort of theme, with the narratives connected mostly by the characters reading and being inspired by the records of the previous character’s story. They all end partway on a misleading cliffhanger, and then in the second part of the book it works through them backwards to give the endings. Also maybe they are reincarnations of each other but it’s ambiguous and doesn’t affect the plot afaik.

  • Really interesting article. The general idea seems to be that people having their access to banking shut down has been a real problem for a long time, and is most commonly imposed on marginalized groups, but people don’t realize it’s going on, and the people on the right making noise about this issue ignore where the bulk of the problem is.

    This is sometimes how I feel when I appear on the ‘anti-mainstream’ ‘free thought’ media outlets. They want to hear about the financial censorship of the Freedom Convoy, but they don’t want to hear about restrictions on Aboriginal payments. This hints to a skew in their freedom of thought, and it’s certainly not open-minded. When they approach me, they’re trying to recruit that mercenary side of me who is nominally prepared to defend their narrow free thinking, but this poses an ethical dilemma, because their selective curation of what examples of payments censorship they’re prepared to ask about or listen to amounts to a silent form of censorship in itself. Selectively hearing, and amplifying, one set of injured voices - the Truckers - can be very similar to blocking another set out.

    Firstly, yes, it’s very important to fight the general principle of payments censorship (and, by extension, to protect the cash system that provides a buffer agai nst it). Secondly, I must inform them that the actual chances of payments censorship being used against them is smaller than the chances of it being used against refugees, migrants, the homeless, or sex workers, who face recent real-world cases of financial censorship.