
  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 15th, 2023


  • CronyAkatsukiAtomemes@lemmy.worldThe best streaming service :)
    19 days ago

    What? I’m in 3 private torrent trackers, and have usenet also and 90% of stuff I grab with *arr software are from usenet, even stuff that’s new/releasing rn have best releases on usenet.

    Only way torrent is better is if you get into those super private trackers but otherwise usenet is still better in my case.

  • I personally selfhost a navidrome server for my music all flac so my library is about 20+gb rn ( and still continues to grow ). Struggling to find decent subsonic compatible player for linux so will check if deadbeef supports it.

    For phone I use symfonium ( not open source neither free but the best for subsonic ).

  • Neovim ( not heavilly customized, mostly just lsp+trisitter and mini.nvim for a lot of other stuff ) and tmux ( which is also barelly customized + sesh for sessiond management. Also have it start automatically whem opening my terminal ).

    Started using neovim right away when switching to linux back in 2018, started using tmux only last year and it’s a godsend for even just regular terminal work not just with neovim.

    I also reccomend for anybody who tries to learn neovim to learn touch typing and get to atleast 60wpm, it’s a big difference.

  • I’m using the default list alongside Firehol BotScout list and Firehol cybercrime tracker list set to ban.

    Also using the Firehol list set to do captcha, just in case it’s not actually a bot.

    I’m also using the cs-firewall-bouncer and a custom bouncer that’s shown on crowdsecs tutorials to detect privilege escalation for if anybody actually manages to get inside.

    Alongside that I’m using a lot of scenario collection’s for specific software I’m using like nextcloud, grafana, ssh, … which helps a lot with attacks directly done on a service and not just general scraping or both path traversing.

    All free and have been using it for a year, only complaint I have is that I had to make a cronjob to restart the crowdsec service every day because it would stop working after a couple days because of the amount of requests it has to process.

  • And the comminity blocklists are updated when more than a couple ( I think the number is something like 10-50 ) instances of crowdsec block an ip in some fast timeframe.

    The ai blocklist just adds IP when even one instance finds an AI trying to scrape right from the useragent.

    So even if the community blocklist has fewer ai ip’s, it does eventually include them.