You know, you can create your own safe space instead of complaining
You know, you can create your own safe space instead of complaining
That phrase is so fucking old, you’re almost the boomer for using it, touch grass weirdo
Mmm i’m feeling like some Limp Bizkit personally
If you have a iPhone or a Apple TV, I can blow your mind with the ease and access to high definition content for four dollars amonth, I’m not selling it, I’m not a reseller. I just like sharing ultra pirate methods.
Discuss discussions, not straight up speculation
God you guys sure like to make assumptions. This place is already shaping up to be like Reddit🤣🤣🤣🤣
Typical inaccurate American meme, fucking do better. Jesus fucking Christ.
Or Bobby Droptables
Yeah, that mindset was steep in a little bit of truth and a little bit of racism. China couldn’t stay behind the United States for eternity, that’s not how the flow of time works and they’re making all of our stuff so they know how to make it better.