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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 8th, 2024


  • I think the term you might identify with more is “gender nonconforming” meaning you enjoy things that are not traditionally associated with your gender, but you’re happy with your gender and body the way they are. If you felt dysphoric/uncomfortable with your body that would be more trans. Hope that helps, whatever you choose to label it doesn’t matter too much just be what makes you most comfortable!

  • The average basement dweller probably just needs more water in their life, but anyone eating a balanced diet who is sweating and working out hard or competiting in an athletic event absolutely needs electrolytes not just water. Drinks like Gatorade with simple sugar in them are also still good in this context, the sugar is a readily burned source of energy that is important to have available for high intensity activity. Obviously if you drink sugar and sit on the couch it just goes to your waist, but that doesn’t make it bad for people who are using it correctly.

  • It’s only an “established slur” to some people (mostly in online niche communities), to a lot of people it’s just everyday speech. Words such as retarded, special needs, intellectually disabled, moron, imbecile and more are all terms used to describe a disability, just like “blind”. I’m tired of this artificially accelerated pejoration sped along by people who just want to correct others to feel good about themselves, the euphemism treadmill for people with intellectual disabilities in particular spins faster than for any other topic. We haven’t invented 15 different phrases for blind in the last 50 years, there’s no reason to do it for disabled brains any more than for disabled eyeballs.

    Instead that energy should be focused on ensuring people don’t use someone’s disability to put the disabled person down. Those people are the real problem, not normal folks criticizing people for their shitty behaviors they can control, not immutable characteristics about themselves.