here we go again

is also:
was: /u/experbia

  • 0 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • I’ve seen you do this like 2 or 3 times now - is this your weird hyper-puritanical troll tactic to farm engagement? Find posts that are not NSFW but gently brush up against any topic of human (or elf, apparently) anatomy and call for them to be marked the same as hardcore porn? lol - should I mark my post as NSFW because I said the word “porn”?

    i cannot imagine what you’d find NSFW about this post. the mention of a nipple? the topic of piercing? of raves? humor? elves are hot, maybe it’s elves.

  • Mario Maker 3 will be the foundation of every Mario title from here on out - it’s Mario As A Service! Levels will be generated and stored in the blockchain, as NFTs, so you can make, sell and trade rare levels! Make your levels memorable by describing them to our AI Waluigi, who will take your descriptions and generate a level for a mere 13 USD worth of Platinum Nintencoins, tradeable on Coinbase soon! Don’t forget to keep your Gold Nintencoin balances topped off to make sure you have the best chances to get rare powerups! Try downloading our new companion app so Princess Peach can watch you use your phone and listen to your real-life conversations. If she likes what she hears, you’ll get free Nintencoins, so be sure to become a top Brand Ambassador for the best value! Wow MBA-level business sure is amazing! It’s weird that we keep losing customers though… can we make it illegal for customers to leave us, please? I learned in business school that getting what you want is just a matter of killing the right whistleblowers.

  • i 3d printed something to cover my car’s radio display. it only functions as an aux input to my phone anyway, literally the only thing it does is output audio and have a volume knob. there’s no need to have it lit up in my car interior destroying my night vision with its tacky fake VFD-style panel backlit with 2005-cool-tier blue LEDs.

    …that was my rationale I came up with for why I made and installed it, which I would give other people who asked. in actuality, it’s because I can’t see the volume number anymore. what I don’t know won’t hurt me. I’m free.

  • experbia@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    16 days ago

    every year of high school I and the rest of my class ('08) had was the same curriculum repeatedly.

    history: ww2 bulletpoints, same as last year. write a paper about how bad the nazis were but how complex the situation was, actually, so don’t be so judgemental.
    lit: baseball?? books and writing exercises about baseball.
    math: algebra 1 over and over. I once got sent to the office for a disciplinary discussion for asking if we’ll ever hit algebra 2.
    PE: no, none whatsoever.
    art: watch whatever movies, free form ungraded discussion aka nobody does shit.
    science: watch vaguely sciencey documentaries and write a paper about an animal’s behavior and habits.
    electives: none, a myth we heard whispers of amongst older friend siblings.
    foreign language: Spanish 1, every year.

    i left right before my senior year and started working. I’ve never been sure if that was the right call or not but my friends that graduated are borderline illiterate to this day and completely math averse for sure. so I don’t think another year of ww2 baseball algebra would have helped me much more.

  • experbia@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    16 days ago

    not sure why you’re getting downvoted for this, I had the same experience with my education in the US. high school class of 08, lol. the school never taught a math class past algebra 1. if you finished it, you still needed math credits per year, so they’d just have you retake the same class. seriously. absolutely abysmal. 95% of the math I do now is self taught. from my “education” alone, we never got much past solving basic linear single-variable equations. most of my class graduated barely literate. really, most of my class simply left, myself included - the dropout rate was astonishingly high around 08, and instead of doing the same classes and curriculum for the third time in my senior year, I opted to simply leave, educate myself, and shortly thereafter start my business.