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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • They’ve already got a better system than Hitler could have every hoped for: normal prison.

    The US has the largest prison population per capita, plus migrant holding facilities, plus juvenile holding facilities.

    All they need to do is capture the presidency and keep at least one chamber of Congress, and they can just expand the existing laws to target their enemies. The facilities are already in operation, they just need an excuse to grab the people they don’t like.

  • This. Cryptofascism relies on being able to scream, “It was just a joke / I didn’t know!”

    Mistakes can happen and you might accidentally engage in a dog whistle as a normal person.

    A dozen mistakes all pointing to the exact same thing are unlikely.

    And to be fair, it could be one person at the top putting all these wink wink indicators in, and the majority involved might just be normal folks.

    I still won’t be buying the game.

  • You need to stop giving regressives the benefit of the doubt. They will couch their rhetoric in as much plausible deniability as you’re willing to extend them, exactly so that you’ll go into the comments and carry water for them.

    You and I both know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this will be prime fodder for AM talk radio, pulpits, and other bastions of the culture war. They are out there right now saying, “This is sad, but the boy [sic] was confused and was groomed by society.” Framing it as grooming, dead naming, etc. is all a way for them to muddy the waters and poison the well. If it isn’t blood libel, it’s a single step away. Here’s one example, I am sure you can find more if you look: https://twitter.com/Jermont_II

  • It was their children, engaging in terrorism they support (this is the natural consequence of the rhetoric they spew against LGBTQ+ people), against someone they consider subhuman.

    If they haven’t expressed their displeasure yet yet, it’s because they’re waiting for Fox to tell them which spin it needs to be “acceptable.”

    Remember Kyle Rittenhouse? The judge literally posed for pictures with him, and they turned him into a media darling and will probably run him for office if he can stay relevant and out of jail for a few more years.

  • So they amend their constitution. During a war. To force people into the streets to vote.

    How does the government make sure the election is fair? Some people won’t be able to vote due to danger. Some will be attacked. Some areas are occupied, and the occupation lines may change during the election.

    If they tried to run an election now, Russia would publish their own results showing that the occupied areas voted for Putin. Trying to run elections is hard enough in normal times, doing so with Russia literally holding a large swath of your country is impossible.