ipsc shooter, shitposter

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2025


  • Not exactly, because n commits will have been squashed into one, so making the edit would lose the reference to the originals which should have been squashed with other commits

    See but you can break the commit back apart by doing a git rebase interactive, selecting that squashed commit as the commit to edit, then doing a git reset HEAD~1 then recommit it in pieces, then git rebase --continue

    Then git rebase -i a second time and then remove the commit that you don’t want to be included

  • Putin tried to be an ally of the West after 9/11. I’d have to try and remember which book I read it in, or maybe it was an interview, but he approached Bush and said something to the effect of, we both have an issue with Islamic terrorism ( The Russian invasion of chechnya and resulting blowback, and the United States’ support of wahhabism to combat the Soviet Union in Afghanistan).

    The problem is is that America couldn’t get past the concept of Russia still being the adversary. Even after the end of the Cold War and Russia’s transformation into a capitalist hellscape.

    There was a great deal of time where there could have been an opportunity to normalize relations with Russia, but groups within the American security apparatus were vehemently opposed to that.

    Edit: https://youtu.be/dYi5S81fKxI