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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 10th, 2024


  • I remember being in school 20 years ago and being taught about scale inaccuracies and the importance of frequent calibration. The thing about weight loss is that you will lose weight if you’re in a deficit. Your daily calorie needs are going to fluctuate a little bit, regardless. Most people don’t keep activity the exact same, sleep the exact same, take exactly the same steps everyday, plus hormones fluctuate, etc. Your measurements don’t have to be precise, just close enough. People have also lost weight with sloppy volumetric measurements, counting out chips, or even eyeballing the amount of space taken up on their plate. MyPlate.gov was rolled out after consumer research found that it works.

  • I don’t think we had a personal finance class, but if so, I didn’t take it. My home ec class covered budgeting, sewing, cooking, nutrition, interpersonal relationships, safe sex, etc. Home ec was required. We baked once and sewed one project.

    We also had an elective domestic arts class that was half sewing and half cooking. The cooking portion had us make a different recipe every week. The sewing portion had us sew hoodies, pajama pants, embroidery, etc. If you didn’t take domestic arts, then you had to take CAD.