• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Are they attempting that? Because if thousands upon thousands of scientific papers and our best and brightest describing what climate chabge is going to do, hundreds of peaceful protests, hundreds of protests at oil rigs and depots and FF company HQs and politicians houses and banks financing FF companies, and experiencing first hand the actual effects of climate change don’t stir people to action, what will?

    These protests are to keep climate change permanently is the public consciousness, so people and the media can’t just bury their heads in the sand and pretend it’s not happening while they get us to chase whatever culture war bullshit is going on.

    The people who actually give a damn about this and take action aren’t going to be put off because someone sprayed starch on a rock, or put paint on a piece of glass in front of an art work. And the people getting their knickers in a twist over that are the people that were never, ever going to do literally anything to help the problem.

  • No, but I, nor anyone else claimed they were going to.

    The other commentor said the jet protests were effective whereas stonehenge was not. So I’m just asking what effect it had? Because at least the Stonehenge protest was big news, which was the whole point of the protest.

  • What makes the jets effective but stone henge not?

    Seriously what effects have the jetshave vs stone henge? Did it rally a bunch of people to the cause? Did it make the fossil field companies rethink their ways? Convince the MPs to stop oil investment? Make the owners of those jets not want to fly them?