• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • Exactly. An example from outside the Bible might be Achilles. There was probably a great warrior with that name in the Mycenaean Greek world. Later storytellers probably just added more to make it sound better or the material was from other warriors who were like Achilles.

    Some of Jesus’ teachings definitely come from the milieu of the Roman era in Judea and Palestina.

    Personally my favorite head canon is that Jesus was, or his parents were, Egyptian born Jews or Coptic converts to Judaism. It’s a reverse Obamas birth certificate. There is so much time spent establishing the lineage and explaining the flight to Egypt.

  • General Lee - Robert E Lee, general of the Army of Northern Virginia, the main army for the Confederate States of America.

    Jefferson Davis - president of the Confederate States of America.

    The Flag - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America#First_flag?wprov=sfla1

    The whole war was about slavery. The Confederate states wanted to have slaves. When Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860, they threw a tantrum, claimed the election wasn’t legitimate (sound familiar?), then seceded and tried to form an independent nation.

    Anyone who says that it was about states’ rights is being disingenuous. The Confederate Constitution mentions slavery and includes regulations for it.

    The Confederacy also wanted to deport all Jews (except for one - the Secretary of The Treasury) and eventually conquer Mexico and use them as slaves as well. The brown ones.

    The Confederacy also would have enslaved any Native Americans remaining in those states.

    The vast majority of southern soldiers were too poor to ever own a slave and were treated only slightly better than slaves. It was very obviously the white supremacist elitist class exploiting everyone else.

    The Republican party regurgitates a lot of the Confederate talking points.