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JLGS 137


  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 14th, 2022


  • I love my mom more than any person on this planet but even she has said some of these to me. She asks why my cousin stays and doesn’t just leave… “it’s just land!” I guess it is just the principal. No, I don’t think any land is worth my family’s life, and I would curse her staying if anything happened, but. I respect it so much. I wish most people would just not say anything. Better than hearing the video essay consoomer at my work try and talk about “just trying to be nuanced.” I love Hamas bro.

  • Thank you for engaging with my disagreement.

    Okay I’m just talking out my ass here and wouldn’t necessarily permanently cosign any of this but:

    I guess I see it as, I’d rather someone be spurned into action by questionable motives that we may have to iron out of our society later, than for us to continue to completely lack inertia and accomplish nothing. There just simply isn’t enough fuel burning, Western socialism has no force behind it. Our society has conditioned us to fetishize violence and created murder-curious greedy, selfish, depraved, antisocial beasts of us all. If we don’t have the power to address the source of this disease yet at least we should channel this energy towards something productive? Right now people’s Dark Side energies are being funneled towards fascism, or some aesthetically anarchist indiscriminate/“indiscriminate” mass killing anticiv antinatal misanthropic “burn it all down” nonsense. What if people could instead be encouraged to channel this toxic hatred towards our political class, towards cops, towards middle class white suburban fascists who will be the footsoldiers of the Holocaust and the Barbarossa of tomorrow? What if people who are ruining lives trying to make a living by selling fentanyl to the poor or robbing poor neighbors could be persuaded to victimize the middle class instead? What if would-be school shooters, or those who would shoot up a Black church or a Latino-heavy Walmart, instead shot up a lily-white Target, Starbucks, or even better a country club, or Wall Street? What if all these suicidal left-ish youth used their life more productively against our oppressors? What if socialism was an acceptable outlet for people’s sadism that normally can only be channeled into fascism?

    I get this is playing with fire, but how I see things, leftism is so thoroughly corrupted in the US/the West and fascism so normalized and rampant, we may have to try questionable, even downright repugnant methods to win the day. If China was forced to concoct Dengism (which just for the record I can think of much worse) for the sake of pragmatic long-term survival, will we, here in the Heart of the Beast, not have to utilize much worse to win the day?

    Also for the record, I want nothing more than to be absurdly wrong. I still try and envision a future for us Westerners that doesn’t end in hellish bloodshed. I refuse to think of things like “love conquers all” as naive or impossible to work, and I do think committing to violence is planting a seed of evil that is simply paying for today with tomorrow, a new disease that will have to excised…much like how the Chinese are dealing with the consequential corruption of Dengism in the now. But, with the board laid out like it is…what, really, are our options?

  • KiG V2@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlWho killed the most Nazis?
    6 months ago

    Many actual Soviet soldiers were motivated not by grand ideals of socialism, but by patriotism and simple survival of themselves and their families.

    We cannot afford to always be morally ideal. The real world–and particularly, war, which we are all engaging in by being socialists–is ugly. Morals are secondary to victory, which is secondary to survival.

    Specifically in regards to killing, killing is nature. Nature is a constant warzone of killing. We ourselves kill every single day just by existing–yes, even those of us who are vegan or pacifist. You cannot escape killing, you can only try and steer who you are killing.

    I know when I finally blood myself when this war heats up here I will be heartbroken about it. I have empathy and compassion and see the little child hurting inside even the most wicked fascists. But, there is no choice. If part of the cope is glorifying the killing, if part of what we must use to spurn ourselves to commit the act is the fanfare of war music and attitudes of detachment and sadism, then so be it. Your damn right I’m gonna draw a little tally mark everytime, I would encourage a friendly competition with comrades seeing how many enemies we can end. There is no choice. It’s kill or be killed. It’s whatever it takes.

  • Unfortunately, violence is a part of the solution at this point. Violence is the only thing that stopped the Nazis’ genocidal conquest, it is what enabled the Black South Africans to take back their country from their colonizers. Palestinians tried diplomacy for years, and all it got them was softer genocide. They tried peaceful protest, and their were shot dead by the hundreds. Listen, I get it, violence is not pretty, but when you are dealing with fascists such as the Israelis, you end up not having much choice in the matter. The violence will stop when Israeli apartheid and genocide stops, and that likely won’t stop until Israel as it exists is defeated, as fascism is baked deeply into its political structure.

  • The issue is you arent aware that Putin and Kim actually treat their citizens better than the west. If you want oligarchs using pilfered wealth to enjoy luxury look no further than the west.

    This isnt them illustrating “frugality,” this is a bastard child of ad placement and PR. The fact that you think wicked fuckers like this who rob people the world over have a frugal bone in their body shows their PR still clearly works on westerners…

  • The CIA admitted they invented the hogwash about Stalin being a dictator, and admitted he was merely the “captain of a team.”

    The only reason we think of him as a “dictator” here in the West is because anybody that has resisted the West’s demands for total prostration is a “dictator.” If you want examples of REAL dictators you should look to all of the right-wing egotistic maniacs the U.S. government sponsored from centuries past to the present.

    There is a difference between a “dictator” who kills fascists, capitalists, monarchists, slavers and saboteurs trying to actively destroy a system that is saving and uplifting hundreds of millions of lives, and an ACTUAL dictator who kills twice that number in women, children, socialists, racial minorities, sexual minorities, religious minorities, while plundering the country and essentially enslaving their own populace.

  • I understand that there is a mountain of propaganda convincing you that Stalin was evil, but literally name one thing supposedly wrong witb LENIN. Nothing, not even the usual CIA and Nazis could be bothered to make up stories about him.

    You are operating under the assumption of, “well, all the people around me say these people are evil, so, they must be!”

  • Gulags were prisons. And they were, in many ways, more humane and rehabilitation-focused than any Western prisons. This is scratching the surface of the issue.

    The real issue is you not bothering to fathom that the capitalists will fight tooth and nail, including psychologically, to stop the rise of the singular ideology that threatens their millenia of power.

  • What genocide?

    Do you know the actual truth of the Holodomor or Xinjiang? Are you willing to know?

    Comrades who are jumping straight to retorting are unwittingly making it seem like, “well yes, there was a genocide, but it was worth it.” Please do not allow any gap in our response that allows this interpretation. There has never been a genocide committed by a socialist country and we should make it clear we will not cede that atrociously false accusation.

  • Of course, in a just world order it would also make sense to punish the leaders who orchestrate such conflicts, but until the UN and the Hague are actual representations of world democracy and justice and not by and large just ways that the U.S. consolidates and legitimizes its power and punishes its enemies, this will be impossible.