Thanks for the introduction to taskipy. Think if i need macros, Makefile is the way to go. Supports running targets in parallel and i like performing a check to ensure the virtual environment is activated or the command won’t run.
SHELL := /bin/bash
APP_NAME := logging_strict
#virtual environment. If 0 issue warning
#Not activated:0
#activated: 1
ifeq ($(VIRTUAL_ENV),)
$(warning virtualenv not activated)
is_venv =
is_venv = 1
VENV_BIN_PYTHON := python3
PY_X_Y := $(shell $(VENV_BIN_PYTHON) -c 'import platform; t_ver = platform.python_version_tuple(); print(".".join(t_ver[:2]));')
.PHONY: mypy
mypy: ## Static type checker (in strict mode)
ifeq ($(is_venv),1)
@$(VENV_BIN_PYTHON) -m mypy -p $(APP_NAME)
make mypy
without the virtualenv on will write a warning message why it’s not working!
U are not wrong.
Dependency management is tough and often frustrating. Dealing with resolving dependency conflicts is unavoidable. This area is a constant focus of development, so could see improvements over time.
Some packages to keep an eye on:
pip & setuptools
pip-tools (specifically pip-compile)
Any others i’ve missed?