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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • American tax forms have an “other income” field. That’s where you can report any money you’ve made not covered by the other fields including any ill gotten gains. That section doesn’t require you to list a source, and even if it did nobody expects you to list “$7,800 - meth sales, $32,200 - crack sales, $50,000 - robberies”. You’d just say “Other income - $90,000”

    The logic being that if the government never gives you the opportunity to pay taxes on something, then they can’t charge you with tax evasion. Plus there’s a lot of money in crime! If the US can get a piece of that pie they will!

    Finally, the IRS is an already underfunded organization and contrary to the popular narrative, is very easy to work with. If you make a genuine good faith effort to pay your taxes and they find issues, an agent will work with you to resolve it. They’ll set up payment plans, defer payments, and more if you’re cooperative. All this is to say that reporting people for crimes besides tax ones and terrorism (the only one they’re legally required to report to outside agencies) just makes their job harder, so they don’t

  • In the early days of Rift there was a mage build that used a bunch of attacks to target what the tank was targeting and would build your crit chance to 85%+ and then crit heal the tank for their entire bar. The tanks absolutely hated it, but it was the most fun healing I’ve done across 10+ MMOs, MOBAs, and arena shooters

  • I did this when Rings of Power came out. Full transparency, I’m pretty mid on LotR in general. With that said, this is a very cool experience if you’re a fan of the work or have never seen these in theaters. Some criticisms I have: you can really tell that the scenes in the extended cut were not intended for a large format, high fidelity screen. You can tell which specific cuts in battles are extended and which ones are theatrical. Additionally they use greenscreen for Hobbits more in the extended cut and it looks bad. Also, if you haven’t seen LotR and aren’t a huge fantasy nerd, I’d have a hard time recommending this. 12 hours of movies is a whole lot of time and the the theatrical editions are great! Return of the King won more Oscars than any other movie in its theatrical cut!

    Overall, very fun if this is for you and even if it isn’t these movies are great. Whatever you think your opinion about this is going to be, you’re almost certainly correct

  • The short answer is that we don’t know. It has long been a legal grey area when depicting porn of underage characters that are clearly not real. There’s the classic “she’s actually 1000 she just looks 6 years old” and “all characters depicted are at least 18 [despite all of them being in various stages of high school]”. American politicans are by and large way out of date with modern technology and cannot be expected to rule competently on the subject. Is the AI nude of a real person “revenge porn” or constitutionally protected free speech? People have been drawing fan art of underage celebs having sex with high detail for a long time (see Harry Potter/Twilight rule 34). Ultimately congress will need to make laws about this or courts will have to interpret a previous ruling as applying to these images. Unfortunately due to the Streisand Effect whomever is at the unfortunate center of this shitstorm will be forever made into pornographic material so we understand the general hesitation to get involved

  • I kinda agree. Sure there’s observable/measurable phenomena out there, but past a certain point it’s like a toddler asking why? You just have to say "because that’s the way it is:

    Why did that apple hit me in the head? Because of gravity

    Why does gravity make things fall? Objects of larger mass attract objects of smaller mass

    Why do they do that? Well the more massive something is the more it warps space around it

    Why do massive objects warp space around them? Well there’s some theories that certain sub-atomic particles interact in a way that causes these forces

    Why do those particles do that? Well that’s just what they do

    (yes, I know these are overly simplified)

    Eventually you reach our furthest level of understanding and we just have to say “that’s just what we have observed happening, we don’t have a root cause or explanation yet.” That bottom level is basically magic in our universe until we learn more about it