• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • mwguy@infosec.pubtoLinux@lemmy.mlI had a journey
    3 months ago

    You don’t have to, but you should. Lenin and Mao practically worshiped Marx and they both attempted to implement his system faithfully to the spec he advocated for. And I know that viewpoint is somewhat controversial in non-Leninist/Maoist circles but I think it’s true.

    What’s more I think the historical records of economic collectivism outside of Socialism and political Authoritarianism outside of Socialism are numerous and expensive enough to justify an opposition to Communism as a system.

    I think the main realization that made me nominally support Capitalism is it’s performance in a “degraded” state. You can have the absolute worst scenarios (think Pinoche Chile) and Capitalism provides constant incentive to improve things and doesn’t seize up in the meantime. It continues to function even in the face of severe inefficiencies.

    • trying to install any software that isn’t already packaged explicitly for Ubuntu is a nightmare because there is no equivalent of the AUR for people to push build steps to and you’re quite often left guessing what dependencies you need to install to get something to compile

    In fairness it does have the PPA system which predates the AUR and does provide a good job of providing third party amd semi-third party software.

    But you’re right that Ubuntu has sold out on building snaps for software instead of ppas.

  • mwguy@infosec.pubtoLinux@lemmy.mlI had a journey
    9 months ago

    Stop saying holodomor dumbass

    No Holodomor is largely just a compound word in Ukrainian that translates loosely as “to kill with hunger” or “hunger plague”. Provide a different well known phrase to refer to this Genocide and popularize it. Additionally this phrase primarily arose in the USSR in the 1980s as domestic policy stopped censoring references to the genocide. It was Soviets who popularized the term, not Fascists.

    This region had a famine every 5 years for 1000 years and this was the last ever famine to occur in the region

    They didn’t have famines that killed 50% of the native population every 5 years. Restricting internal movement and discussion of the famines and preventing domestic and foreign aid was an intentional move designed to starve those people. And the acuteness of those famines was in large part because of Collectivism breaking the logistics of farming.

    Maybe you should be more concerned that there was a whole ass genocide you were unaware of in your model implementation instead of trying to hand wave the issue away.

  • mwguy@infosec.pubtoLinux@lemmy.mlI had a journey
    9 months ago

    Yes they do. You do not know any modern communists.

    Please. There are so many examples of modern Communists claiming that the USSR and PRC aren’t “true communism” that’s it’s become a meme.

    because what you probably meant to say here was kulaks.

    No I meant Khazaks. The Holodomor killed the Kulaks and news of it got out to the West so it got the headlines. But the same Collective Farming experiments were tried im Khazakstsn and led to mass starvation that killed over half the native population.

  • mwguy@infosec.pubtoLinux@lemmy.mlI had a journey
    9 months ago

    My apologies. Most modern Communists don’t view the USSR or PRC as examples of Communism. I falsely assumed you were in the same camp. Unfortunately for me, I can’t defend a Soviet Empire that caused the pain and suffering it did in Eastern Europe and Asia. Doing thing like killing half of all living Khazaks over a few years by intentionally starving them at scale, the Holodomor and the Great Leap Forward which killed more people than the Holocaust in less time are the sort of things I can’t defend.

    The Communist system allows these genocides to happen in the name of Collectivism and hasn’t had a post incident process where it thinks and adds ways to avoid these problems for the next implementation is why I can no longer support Communism. When that changes I can reconsider.